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Cathédrale Saint-Canice de Kilkenny
Old Kilkenny Review: Journal of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society, 18 (1966), p. 62–71 (en) Woodworth, David, 'St Canice's library' in Old Kilkenny Review:
Ballon Hill
Cemetery at Ballon Hill, County of Carlow », Transactions of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society, vol. 2, no 2, 1853, p. 295–303 (lire en ligne) (en-US) « Ballon
The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society (1849-1853) Proceedings and Transactions of the Kilkenny and South-East of Ireland Archaeological Society (1854-1855)
Harriet Kavanagh
dentelle. Elle est élue à la Kilkenny Archaeological Society en 1851. Kavanagh déménage à Ballyragget Lodge dans le comté de Kilkenny en 1860. Elle y meurt le
John O'Donovan
auteurs). Autobiographical article in Transactions of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society, 1851, p. 362. Printed in Dublin by John Daly, 1862 Boyne 1987