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پرونده:Zoopraxiscope 16485d.gif
69 degrees Merged with gradient tool spotlight layer, multiply Animated gif versions: frame delay 10/100 seconds, total runtime 1.3 seconds I, the copyright
پرونده:Phenakistoscope 3g07690b.gif
Image:Phenakistoscope 3g07692b.gif Image:Zoopraxiscope 16485d.gif Taken from full-size tiff file Cropped, centered, skewed, color corrected Original cut
پرونده:Phenakistoscope 3g07692b.gif
Image:Phenakistoscope 3g07690b.gif Image:Zoopraxiscope 16485d.gif Taken from full-size tiff file Cropped, centered, skewed, color corrected, cleaned up