Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18. Dunsany baroia (Londres, 1878ko uztailaren 24a – Dublin, 1957ko urriaren 25a) Lord Dunsany bezala ezagutua, anglo-irlandar idazkea izan zen.
Datu azkarrak Bizitza, Jaiotzako izen-deiturak ...
Lord Dunsany |
Jaiotzako izen-deiturak | Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett |
Jaiotza | Londres, 1878ko uztailaren 24a |
Herrialdea | Britainia Handia eta Irlandako Erresuma Batua 1927ko apirilaren 12a) Irlandako Estatu Askea Irlandar Errepublika Erresuma Batua Irlandako Errepublika |
Lehen hizkuntza | ingelesa |
Heriotza | Dublin, 1957ko urriaren 25a (79 urte) |
Hobiratze lekua | St Peter and St Paul's Churchyard (en) |
Heriotza modua | berezko heriotza: apendizitisa |
Aita | John Plunkett, 17th Baron of Dunsany |
Ama | Ernle Elizabeth Louisa Maria Grosvenor Burton |
Ezkontidea(k) | Lady Beatrice Child-Villiers (en) (1904ko irailaren 15a - |
Seme-alabak |
- Randal Plunkett, 19th Baron of Dunsany (en)
Familia |
- Victor Child Villiers, 7th Earl of Jersey (en) (aitona)
Heziketa | Eton College Royal Military College, Sandhurst (en) Cheam School (en) |
Hizkuntzak | ingelesa |
Jarduerak | idazlea, antzerkigilea, poeta, politikaria, xakelaria, eleberrigilea, zientzia-fikzio idazlea eta aristokrata |
Lan nabarmenak | |
Izengoitia(k) | Lord Dunsany |
Genero artistikoa | crime fiction (en) Fantasia epikoa beldurrezko literatura zientzia-fikzioa weird fiction (en) |
Adar militarra | Britainia Handiko Armada |
Gradua | ontzi-kapitain |
Parte hartutako gatazkak | Lehen Mundu Gerra Bigarren Boer Gerra Bigarren Mundu Gerra |
dunsany.net… |
Londresen jaio zen, irlandar familia noble baten oinordeko gisa. Kenten hezi ondoren, Dunsany gaztelua bizi izan zen. Bigarren Boer Gerran eta Lehen Mundu Gerran parte hartu zuen eta 1916an Dublingo Pazko matxinadan zauritu zuten. 1921ean epaitu eta isuna ordaintzera kondenatu zuten.
William Butler Yeatsekin eta Lady Gregoryrekin lan egin zuen Abbey Theatreren alde. Irlandako xake eta pistola txapelduna izan zen eta bidaietan eta ehizan aritu zen. Gainera, Dunsanyren xake izeneko joko asimetriko bat asmatu zuen. Ondoren, ohorezko doktoretza jaso zuen Trinity College Dublinen.
Ehunka ipuin, eleberri, antzezlan eta saiakera idatzi zituen. Ezagunenak The King of Elfland's Daughter eta The Gods of Pegāna dira. Bere lanak fantasiazko generoaren oinarria izan ziren literaturan.
- The Gods of Pegāna, Londres, Charles Elkin Mathews, 1905
- Time and the Gods, 1906
- The Sword of Welleran, 1908
- A Dreamer's Tale, 1910
- The Book of Wonder, 1912)
- Fifty-one Tales (1915)
- The Last Book of Wonder, 1916
- Tales of Three Hemispheres, 1919
- The Man who ate the Phoenix, 1947
- The Little Tales of Smethers, 1952
Fantasiazko eta zientzia fikziozko eleberriak
- The Chronicles of Rodriguez edo Don Rodriguez: Chronicles of Shadow Valley (1922)
- The King of Elfland's Daughter, 1924
- The Charwoman's Shadow (1924)
- The Blessing of Pan (1927)
- The Curse of the Wise Woman, 1935)
- My Talks with Dean Spanley (1936)
- The Strange Journeys of Colonel Polders (1950)
- The Last Revolution (1951)
- The Pleasures of a Futuroscope [1955] (2003, hilondoko lana)
- The Travel Tales of Mr Joseph Jorkens, 1931)
- Jorkens remembers Africa (1934)
- Jorkens has a Large Whiskey (1940)
- The Fourth Book of Jorkens (1948)
- Jorkens Borrows Another Whiskey (1954)
- The Last Book of Jorkens [1957] (2002, hilondoko lana), The Collected Jorkens
Beste eleberri batzuk
- Up in the Hills (1935)
- Rory and Bran (1936)
- The Story of Mona Sheehy (1939)
- Guerilla (1944)
- His Fellow Men (1952)
- The Glittering Gate (1909, Abbey Theatre, Dublin)
- The Tents of the Arabs(1910)
- The Laughter of the Gods (1910)
- King Argimenes and the Unknown Warrior (1910 / 1911)
- The Queen's Enemies
- A Night at the Inn (1911)
- The Gods of the Mountain (1911, Haymarket Theatre, London)
- Five Plays (1914): The Gods of the Mountain, The Golden Doom, King Argimenes and the Unknown Warrior, The Glittering Gate, und The Lost Silk Hat.
- Plays of God and Men (1917): The Tents of the Arabs, The Laughter of the Gods, The Queen's Enemies und A Night at the Inn.
- Plays of Near and Far (1922): If, The Compromise of the King of the Golden Isles, The Flight of the Queen, Cheezo, A Good Bargain, If Shakespeare Lived To-Day und Fame and the Poet.
- Alexander and Three small plays(1925): Alexander, The Old King's Tale, The Evil Kettle und The Amusement of Khan Kharuda.
- Seven Modern Comedies (1927): Atalanta in Wimbledon, The Raffle, The Journey of the Soul, In Holy Russia, His Sainted Grandmother, The Hopeless Passion of Mr. Bunyon and The Jest of Hahalaba.
- The Old Folk of the Centuries (1930)
- Lord Adrian (1933)
- Mr. Faithful (1935)
- Plays for Earth amd Air (1937): Fame Comes Late, A Matter of Honour, Mr. Sliggen's Hour, The Pumpkin, The Use of Man, The Bureau de Change, The Seventh Symphony, Golden Dragon City, Time's Joke und Atmospherics.
- The Ghost of My Valley, The Third Ghost Book, 1956.
Olerkigintzako bildumak
- Fifty Poems (1929)
- Mirage Water (1938)
- War Poems (a muddle, printed while we were abroad) (1941)
- A Journey (1943)
- Wandering Songs (1943)
- The Year (1946)
- The Odes of Horace (1947) (Übersetzung)
- To Awaken Pegasus (1949)
- Verses Dedicatory: 18 Previously Unpublished Poems (1985, posthume)
Beste bilduma batzuk
- Tales of War (1918)
- Unhappy Far-Off Things (1919)
- Ghosts of the Heavyside Layer and Other Fantasmas (1980, posthume)
- Nowadays (1918)
- Building a Sentence (1934)
- My Ireland (1937)
- The Donellan Lectures 1943 (1945)
- A Glimpse From the Watchtower (1946)
- If I Were Dictator (The Pronouncement of the Fraud Macaroni) (1934)
- Patches of Sunlight (1938)
- While the Sirens Slept (1944)
- The Sirens Wake (1945)