Fernandosegundodearagon.es ↑ Antonio BLANCO FREIJEIRO: Reino de las Dos Sicilias Artehistoria.com Datuak: Q173065 Multimedia: KingdomofNaples / Q173065
Cola di Rienzo and the Politics of the New Age. University of California Press. Datuak: Q126521 Multimedia: Eleanor ofNaples, Queen of Sicily / Q126521
↑ The Treaties of Utrecht (1713)». Heraldica.org. 7 de octubre de 2007. ↑ «Charles of Bourbon - the restorer of the KingdomofNaples». RealCasaDiBorbone
16th Legislature of the Kingdomof Italy (en) 1882ko azaroaren 22a - 1886ko apirilaren 27a Hautetsia: 15th Legislature of the Kingdomof Italy (en) 1880ko