Las lenguas del río Amarillo o Yellowriver son una pequeña subfamilia de tres lenguas claramente relacionadas,[1] Namia (namie), ak, y awun. Se clasifican
154-155. Diana Lary. "Drowned Earth: The Strategic Breaching of the YellowRiver Dyke, 1938," War In History. 2001 Apr 1;8(2): 191-207. En: Academic Research
environmental instream flow requirements for the Wei River - the largest tributary of the YellowRiver (24 de enero de 2007). C.Michael Hogan, Silk Road
York Times, "A Troubled River Mirrors China's Path to Modernity". 19 de noviembre de 2006, p. 4. «China focus: Why the YellowRiver so matters». Xinhua News