ISBN 0-08-022057-6. L. G. Cota and P. de la Mora "On the structure of lithiumperoxide, Li2O2" Acta Cryst. 2005, vol. B61, pages 133-136. doi 10.1107/S0108768105003629
Materiales cerámicos Esta obra contiene una traducción parcial derivada de «Lithium oxide» de Wikipedia en inglés, publicada por sus editores bajo la Licencia
edition (1988), p.462 Korber, N.; Jansen, M. (1996). «Ionic Ozonides of Lithium and Sodium: Circumventive Synthesis by Cation Exchange in Liquid Ammonia
Donald Anton (1951). «Behaviors of Several Compounds as Indicators in Lithium Aluminum Hydride Titration of Functional Groups». Journal of the American
2017. «Additive for electrolyte of lithium battery, organic electrolytic solution comprising the same, and lithium battery using the organic electrolytic