Rhodesia, known initially as Zambesia, is a historical region in southern Africa whose formal boundaries evolved between the 1890s and 1980. Demarcated and named by the British South Africa Company (BSAC), which governed it until the 1920s, it thereafter saw administration by various authorities. It was bisected by a natural border, the Zambezi. The territory to the north of the Zambezi was officially designated Northern Rhodesia by the company, and has been Zambia since 1964; that to the south, which the company dubbed Southern Rhodesia, became Zimbabwe in 1980. Northern and Southern Rhodesia were sometimes informally called "the Rhodesias".
Rhodesia, known initially as Zambesia, is a historical region in southern Africa whose formal boundaries evolved between the 1890s and 1980. Demarcated
inhabit the region. Following the colony's unilateral dissolution in 1970 by the Republic of Rhodesia government, the Colony of Southern Rhodesia was re-established
The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, also known as the Central African Federation (CAF), was a colonial federation that consisted of three southern
empires. The British South Africa Company of Cecil Rhodes demarcated the Rhodesiaregion in 1890 when they conquered Mashonaland and later in 1893 Matabeleland
the colony of Rhodesia, and before that the colony of Southern Rhodesia. Rhodesia may also refer to: Rhodesia (region), a historical region in southern
portion of that more or less oval-shaped but distinct forest region […] 1952, Northern Rhodesia. Commission to Review the Salary Structure, Remuneration and
northern raven northern red-backed vole northern red oak Northern Region Northern Rhodesia Northern Rivers northern rock cress northern screamer northern
inhabitant of the Americas or Australia). 1940 December, O. S. M. Raw, “The Rhodesia Railways—II”, in Railway Magazine, page 640: Mail trains are limited to
just to pay taxes but also to survive. In settler areas such as Kenya and Rhodesia the colonial government also prevented Africans from growing cash crops
Union Minière are in advance of the Mining Companies in this Territory [Rhodesia] in the care and attention they give to recruited labour. The visit of
collection in the Congo corroborated by the experience made, for example, in Rhodesia. The grievances of the natives have been made known in this country by
compliance with United Nations sanctions against the illegal regime in Rhodesia. And I will sign that bill Friday in Washington. We will put our relations
church”. This wasn’t a tornado. This was a racist. This was a guy with a Rhodesia badge on his sweater. You know, I hate to even use this pun, but this one