world (my masters)" may be an allusion to and/or acknowledgement of NicolasBreton's 1603 tract "A Mad World, my Masters". Let observation with extended
Brennus Brereton, Jane Brett, Jeremy Brett, William, 1st Viscount Esher Breton, André Breuer, Jim Brewer, Heather Brewster, David Brewster, Kingman, Jr
moments of waking) has still today been so grossly neglected. Quote by André Breton, initiator of French Surrealism, from the first Manifesto of Surrealism
vantés. Ils sont tous nés avec la rage du fanatisme dans le cœur, comme les Bretons et les Germains naissent avec des cheveux blonds. Je ne serais point étonné
receiving help from the outside.. will have to walk alone Quote of Nicolas Calas in: 'View' 1943; as cited in Max Ernst: a Retrospective, ed. Werner