Grease (film)
1978 film by Randal Kleiser From Wikiquote, the free quote compendium
Grease is a 1978 musical film about good girl Sandy and bad boy Danny who fall in love over the summer but unexpectedly discover that they are now in the same high school.
- Directed by Randal Kleiser. Written by Bronte Woodard, based on the musical by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey.
GREASE is the word!
Danny Zuko
- This car could be systematic, hydromatic, ultramatic. Why, it could be Greased Lightning!
- (Alternate take from the soundtrack): This car is automatic... systematic... hy-y-ydromadic... why it's Greased Lightning!
- [singing] I got chills,
They're multiplyin,'
And I'm losing control.
'Cause the power you're supplyin' —
It's electrifyin'! - That's my name, don't wear it out.
Sandy Olsson
- He was so nice to me this summer.
- Tell me about it, stud.
- Did you guys get a look at Zuk this Morning? Looking pretty good this year huh Rizz?
- How much dough did he spend?
- Oh no! I'm going to be a senior forever. I have to study for that Dumb algebra test tomorrow.
- Sandy, wherefore art thou, Sandy!
- The only thing that hangs around you, Sonny, are the flies!
- Like a Beautiful blonde Pineapple
- So, what did you do all summer Danny?
- Yea Right here Putzie!
- But you dont gotta Brag
- The whole place a no Parking Zone Crater Face
- Hey, how was the Action at the beach man?
- A hickey from Kenickie is like getting a Hallmark card—when you care enough to send the very best.
Betty Rizzo
- [singing]
Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee,
Lousy with virginity.
Won't go to bed 'til I'm legally wed.
I can't, I'm Sandra Dee. - Coz he sounds like a drag
- Gosh, Your turning into a One Woman USO
- Men are rats. Listen to me, they're fleas on rats. Worse than that, they're amoebas on fleas on rats. I mean, they're too low for even the dogs to bite. The only man a girl can depend on is her daddy.
- was it love at first sight?
Principal McGee
- If you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter.
- Oh, Blanche, stop blubbering!
- Rizzo: [on the first day of high school] Oh gosh. [removes her sunglasses] Well, here we are again.
- Marty: Yeah, but this time we're seniors.
- Rizzo: And we're going to rule the school! [they all laugh]
- Marty: Jan, that is so adolescent!
- Jan: We are adolecent.
- Rizzo: We don't have to flaunt it. [puts her sunglasses back on and her Pink Ladies jacket] Okay, girls. Let's go get them.
- Frenchy: Hey, Marty, are those new glasses?
- Marty: Oh yeah, I just got them for school. Don't you think they make me look smarter?
- Rizzo: Nah, you can still see your face.
- Marty: How would you like rice pudding down your bra?
- Jan: I'll take it.
- Rizzo: Patty Simcox, the bad seed of Rydell High. [to Patty] Hi.
- Patty: Oh, I just love the first day of school. Don't you?
- Rizzo: [sarcastically] It's the biggest thrill of my life.
- Patty: You'll never guess what happened.
- Rizzo: Probably not.
- Patty: They just announced the nominees for student council this morning and guess who's up for vice president?
- Rizzo: Who?
- Patty: Me. Isn't that the most? To say the least?
- Rizzo: The very least.
- Patty: I just hope I don't make too poor a showing.
- Rizzo: Well, we certainly wish you the best of luck. Don't we, girls?
- Rizzo: Somebody snaking you, Danny?
- Danny: Oh, bite the weenie, Rizz.
- Rizzo: With relish.
- Marty: What's with you tonight?
- Rizzo: I feel like a defective typewriter.
- Marty: Huh?
- Rizzo: I skipped a period.
- Marty: You think you P-G?!
- Rizzo: I don't know, big deal.
- Marty: Aren't you going to tell Kenickie?!
- Rizzo: Nah, you don't know the guy.
- Kenickie: Rizzo?
- Rizzo: Yeah?
- Kenickie: I hear you're knocked up.
- Rizzo: Oh, you do, huh? Boy, good news really travels fast! [glares at Marty]
- Kenickie: Why didn't ya tell me about it?
- Rizzo: What's it to ya?
- Kenickie: Thought I might be able to do something...
- Rizzo: You did enough!
- Kenickie: I don't run away from my mistakes.
- Rizzo: [sweetly] ...Hey, don't worry about it, Kenickie, it was somebody else's mistake.
- Kenickie: [he tries to laugh it off and walks away] Thanks a lot, kid.
- Rizzo: Any time.
- Rizzo: I've got so many hickeys people will think I'm a leper.
- Kenickie: Relax. A hickey from Kenickie is like a Hallmark card, when you only care enough to send the very best!
- Rizzo: You pig!
- Kenickie: Oh, I love it when you talk dirty!
- Danny: That's cool, baby. You know how it is, rockin' and rollin' and what not.
- Sandy: Danny?
- Danny: That's my name, don't wear it out.
- Sandy: What's the matter with you?
- Danny: What's the matter with me, baby, what's the matter with you?
- Sandy: What happened to the Danny Zuko I met at the beach?
- Danny: Well, I do not know. Maybe there's two of us. Why don't you take out a missing person's ad? Or try the yellow pages, I don't know.
- Sandy: You're a fake and a phony and I wish I never laid eyes on you!
- Frenchy: What did you do this summer, Sandy?
- Sandy: Oh, I spent most of it at the beach. I met a boy there.
- Rizzo: Haul your cookies all the way to the beach for some guy?
- Sandy: He was sort of special.
- Rizzo: There ain't no such thing.
- Sandy: He was really romantic.
- Blanche: When I hear music, I just can't make my feet behave.
- Sonny: She thinks she's Tinkerbell.
- Blanche: Hush, Sonny!
- Vince: Hi, I'm Vince Fontaine. Hey, do your folks know I come into your room every night over KZAZ, that is? I'm judging the dance contest.
- Marty: I don't think I'm entered.
- Vince: A knockout like you? What's your name?
- Marty: Marty.
- Vince: Marty what?
- Marty: Maraschino. You know, as in cherry.
- Frenchy: I wish I had a guardian angel to tell me what to do. You know, like Debbie Reynolds had in Tammy. What do you think?
- Vi: If you find him, give him my phone number.
- Coach Calhoun: Game rule one: all couples must be boy-girl.
- Putzie: Yeah, too bad, Eugene.
- Frenchy: Doody, how do I look?
- Doody: Like a beautiful blonde pineapple!
- Sonny: Jeez! Every teacher I got this flunked me at least once!
- Doody: If you don't watch it, you're going to be spending all you time in mcgee's office.
- Sonny: Yeah, well, this year she's going to wish she's never seen me.
- Doody: Oh yeah? And what are you going to do?
- Sonny: I just ain't going to take any of her crap. That's all. I don't take no crap off nobody.
- Principal McGee: Sonny?
- Sonny: Hello, ma'am.
- Principal McGee: Aren't you supposed to be in homeroom right now?
- Sonny: I was just going for a walk.
- Principal McGee: You were just dawdling, weren't you?
- Sonny: Yes, ma'am.
- Principal McGee: That is no way to start a new semester, Mr. Latierre.
- Sonny: (Speaks in italian).
- Principal McGee: Perhaps a session of banging erasers after school would put you on the right track?
- Sonny: Yes, ma'am.
- Principal McGee: Are you just going to stand there all day?
- Sonny: No, ma'am. I mean, Yes, ma'am. I mean--
- Principal McGee: Well which is it? Yes or No?
- Sonny: No, ma'am.
- Principal McGee: Good. Then move! [walks away]
- Sonny: Yes, ma'am.
- Danny: I'm sure glad you didn't take any of her crap, Sonny. You would have really told her off, huh?
- Doody: [in falsetto] Mr. Latierre. Yes, Ma'am, No Ma'am.
- Sonny: Hey Eugene! How you doing?
- Eugene: Hi Fellas!
- Doody: Did you have a nice summer? Shake, buddy. [buzzes Eugene]
- Eugene:Ow!
- Doody: Hey, what's wrong? You're wearing glasses. [Putzie messes with Eugene's bow-tie]
- Eugene: I got astigmatism.
- Doody: Aw, too bad.
- Kenickie: Come on! Let's go!
- Putzie: Sorry, Eugene. [T-Birds go upstairs]
- Sonny: Hey, Eugene, I'll get that. [picks up bow-tie hands it to eugene] There you go, Eugene.
- Eugene: Thanks, Sonny.
- Sonny: See you, Fruit boots. [goes upstairs]
- Rizzo: Swell bunch you are rushing here to help a lady
- Doody: Lady? i don't see a lady? [T-birds laughs]
- Kenickie:Shut up, shut Up!
- Rizzo: What's up, Kenick?
- Kenickie: One guess.
- Rizzo: You got a lot to offer a girl.
- Kenickie: Yeah, you know it
- Rizzo: What say you, Zuke?
- Danny: You're looking good, Rizz.
- Rizzo: Eat your heart out.
- Danny: Well, sloppy seconds ain't my style. [jumps out of the car]
- Rizzo: Where you going? to flog your log?
- Danny: What's better than hanging out with, you dorks.
- T-birds: Danny!
- Kenickie: Your chariot, my lady.
- Kenickie: Girls are only good for one thing.
- Sonny: Yeah, and what are you suppose to do with them for the other 23 hours and 45 minutes of the day [Sonny laughs with the guys]
- Putzie: Is that all it takes? 15 minutes?
- Marty: It was bad luck, Kenickie.
- Kenickie: Yeah, well, if it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all.
- Rizzo: [breaks out a bottle of wine] Okay, how about a little Sneaky Pete to get the party going? [the girls all cheer]
- Jan: Italian Swiss colony. Wow! It's imported! I brought some Twinkies. Anybody want one?
- Marty: Twinkies and wine? Oh, that's real class, Jan.
- Jan: It says right here it's a dessert wine. [offers bottle to Sandy who's hesitant]
- Rizzo: Come on. Sandy didn't get any wine.
- Sandy: Oh. that's okay. I don't mind.
- Rizzo: I'll bet you've never had a drink before either.
- Sandy: Oh, yes I did. I had some champagne at my cousin's wedding once.
- Rizzo: Ah, ring-a ding-ding.
- Jan: What's wrong? We don't got cooties!
- Jan: Well I have been dieting all day. [to Putzie] My mother's apple pie is better than this stuff, you want a piece?
- Putzie: Yeah, sure
- Sonny: Hey, Putzie, 15 minutes.
[Jan and Putzie leave Frosty palace]
- Rizzo: You goody-goodies are to much for me, I'm gonna get my kicks while I'm still young enough to get em [climbs out window]
- Frencie: What's she gonna do? Shimmy down the drain pipe?
- Cha Cha: They call me Cha Cha. Coz im the best dancer at St Bernadates
- Frenchy: With the worst Reputaion
- Sandy: You know, Danny, I'm kind of worried about this Dance off. Maybe they dance differently the way we do back home.
- Rizzo: Its okay, Sandy, maybe we'll invent the Kangaroo bop [Kenickie laughs sarcastically]
- Danny: Come on, Sandy, let's get out of here
- Putzie: You want some?
- Jan: uhmmm mm mmm.
- Putzie: Jeez, you sure are a cheap date. I didn't mean it like that.
- Jan: I understand.
- Putzie: I always thought you were an understanding person.
- Jan: I am.
- Putzie: and I also think there's more to you than just fat.
- Jan: Thanks
- Putzie: Your welcome. You got a date for the dance off?
- Jan: No.
- Putzie: You wanna go?
- Jan: Yeah. [both laughs with joy]
- John Travolta - Danny Zuko
- Olivia Newton-John - Sandy Olsson
- Stockard Channing - Betty Rizzo
- Jeff Conaway - Kenickie
- Michael Tucci - Sonny LaTierri
- Didi Conn - Frenchy
- Dinah Manoff - Marty Maraschino
- Jamie Donnelly - Jan
- Eve Arden - Principal McGee
- Frankie Avalon - The Teen Angel
- Edd Byrnes - Vince Fontaine
- Sid Caesar - Coach Calhoun
- Lorenzo Lamas - Tom Chisum
- Susan Buckner - Patty Simcox
- Eddie Deezen - Eugene Felnic
See also
External links
- Grease quotes at the Internet Movie Database
- Grease at Rotten Tomatoes
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