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underdevelopment due to history, geography, ethnicity, culture, climate, disease, drought or any other factor. But how do we know that it is not rather a matter
Maya civilization
in a drought-prone terrain. Like the great civilizations of the Indus, Tigris-Euphrates, Nile, and Yellow rivers, the Maya could overcome droughts that
Tim Radford (science writer)
Jordan and Palestinian territories, researchers have found evidence of a drought that has no precedent in human experience. From depths of 300 metres below
Helen McGregor
to return to university and complete a PhD. "Australia is the land of drought and flooding rains, and in a recent paper we’ve shown that’s been the case
Catherine Nakalembe
Sciences and the NASA Harvest Africa program Director. Her research includes drought, agriculture and food security. In 2020, Nakalembe was awarded the Africa