Town in Tamil Nadu, IndiaMadurantakam is the southernmost suburb of Chennai city and a municipality in Chengalpattu district in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The town is known for the artificial and second largest lake in Tamil Nadu, the Madurantakam lake. It is said to have been built by the Chola King Uttama Chola, also called as Maduranthaka, during his reign. It is also home to the Eri-Katha Ramar Temple. As of 2011, the town had a population of 30,796.
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Town in Tamil Nadu, India
Eri-Katha Ramar Temple
Hindu temple in Tamil Nadu, India
Maduranthakam Assembly constituency
State Legislative Assembly Constituency in Tamil Nadu
Madurantakam taluk
Human settlement in India
Madurantakam block
Madurantakam railway station
Railway station in Tamil Nadu, India
Maduranthakam Lake
Artificial lake in Tamil Nadu, India
Karikili Bird Sanctuary