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List of Fate/Apocrypha episodes
Season of television seriesFate/Apocrypha is an anime television series based on the light novel series of the same title written by Yūichirō Higashide and illustrated by Ototsugu Konoe. Set in a parallel world to Fate/stay night, where the Holy Grail was found during the Third Holy Grail War and taken to Romania afterwards. It presents a war fought by two factions, Red and Black, each with seven servants summoned by seven masters. The Black faction consists of mages from the Romanian Yggdmillenia magi family, while the members of the Red faction are magi sent by the Clock Tower to acquire the Holy Grail from the Yggdmillenia. The Grail also summons an additional servant of the class Ruler, whose job is to mediate the conflict.
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