Hundred of Hall
Cadastral in South AustraliaThe Hundred of Hall is the cadastral unit of hundred on the northern Adelaide Plains centred on the town of Halbury. It is one of the 16 hundreds of the County of Stanley. It was named in 1860 after parliamentarian George Hall (1851-1867). The main localities in the hundred are Halbury and Hoyleton with parts of Balaklava, Stow, Watchman and Kybunga, also within the hundred bounds.
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Hoyleton, South Australia
Town in South Australia
Halbury, South Australia
Town in South Australia
District Council of Hall
Local government area in South Australia
Hoyleton Airbase
Airport in Hoyleton, South Australia
Hoyleton railway station
Station in South Australia, 1869 to 1982
Halbury railway station
Former railway station in South Australia, Australia