third country

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third country (plural third countries)

  1. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see third, country. A country other than two specific countries, especially a country not party to an agreement between two other countries.
    • 19th century, Nouveau recueil général de traités, conventions et autres transactions remarquables, servant à la connaissance des relations étrangères des puissances et états dans leurs rapports mutuels : continuation du grand Recueil de feu M. de Martens.... Tome 19 / rédigé sur des copies authentiques par Frédéric Murhard,... Charles Samwer,... Jules Hopf,..., Dieterich (Goettingue) 1843-1875:
      The produce and manufactures of the dominions and possessions of Her Britannic Majesty which may be imported into the Zollverein, and the produce and manufactures of the States of the Zollverein which may be imported into the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, whether intended for consumption, warehousing, re-exportation, or transit, shall therein be treated in the same manner as, and in particular shall be subject to no higher or other duties than, the produce and manufactures of any third country the most favoured in those respects.
    • 19th century, Nouveau recueil général de traités, conventions et autres transactions remarquables, servant à la connaissance des relations étrangères des puissances et états dans leurs rapports mutuels : continuation du grand Recueil de feu M. de Martens.... Tome 19 / rédigé sur des copies authentiques par Frédéric Murhard,... Charles Samwer,... Jules Hopf,..., Dieterich (Goettingue) 1843-1875:
      No other or higher duties shall be levied in the Zollverein on the exportation of any goods to the dominions and possessions of Her Britannic Majesty, nor in the dominions and possessions of Her Britannic Majesty on the exportation of any goods to the Zollverein, than are or may be levied on the exportation of the like goods to any third country the most favoured in that respect.
    • 1893, Revue des vins et liqueurs et des produits alimentaires pour l'exportation, Paris:
      The treaty concluded not long since between Spain and Portugal does assure to each of the two countries the concession made to a third one, but it is entirely powerless to force this third country to grant to Portugal the concessions which it makes to Spain
    • 1902 October 21, Gerald Lowther, José Vergara Donoso, “Parcel Post Convention, With Detailed Regulations, Between the United Kingdom and Chile”, in Accounts and Papers: Sixty-Five Volumes, page 17:
      The Customs duties on parcels which have to be sent back to the country of origin or redirected to a third country shall be cancelled both in the United Kingdom and in Chile.
    • 1904, G. Dujarric, editor, Archives diplomatiques : recueil de diplomatie et d'histoire, M. Georges Fardis, page 1344:
      The consent of that Government shall likewise be required for the extradition of accused to a third country ; nevertheless, such consent shall not be necessary when the accused shall have asked of his own accord to be tried or to undergo his punishment, or when lie shall not have left within the space of time above specified the territory of the country to which he has been surrendered.
    • 1925 January, Société des nations, Société des nations. Journal officiel, Geneva:
      No consignment of any of the substances covered by the present Convention which is exported from one country to another country shall be permitted to pass through a third country, whether or not it is removed from the ship or conveyance in which it is being conveyed, unless the copy of the export authorisation (or the diversion certificate, if such a certificate has been issued in pursuance of the following paragraph) which accompanies the consignment is produced to the competent authorities of that country.
    • 1930, House of Lords, 1927, 1928, 1930, La réforme agraire roumaine en Transylvanie devant la justice internationale et le conseil de la société des nations : autres opinions, international edition, Paris: Impr. rapide du Centre, Issoudun:
      Thus Art. 16 of the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty of 3rd March, 1918, declares that property rights may not be confiscated without adequate compensation, and it was laid down by Art. 18 of the German-Russian Peace Treaty of 27th August, 1918, that « Property of Germans in Russia will in future only be confiscated or otherwise withdrawn from the owner's power of disposal if such confiscation or privation of rights is carried out in the interest of the State or community in acordance with a law applying equally to all subjects of the country, and to the nationals of a third country, and to all similar property, provided that the owner is compensated at once in cash ».
    • 1918, René Puaux, Les Études de la guerre / publiées sous la direction de René Puaux, Libr. Payot & Cie, Paris:
      Wishing to strengthen our efforts in keeping peace and tranquillity in the Balkan affairs according to the agreement of 1897, the Emperor and I resolved to sign a secret declaration for the observation of a loyal and strict neutrality in case one of the Empires should be in a state of war, alone and without provocation on its part, with a third country, the latter wishing to endanger the existing statu quo.
  2. (by extension) A country not party to a particular treaty in general.
    • 2010, Jean-Luc Demarty, COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1156/2010 of 8 December 2010 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables:
      the criteria whereby the Commission fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipulated in Annex XV, Part A thereto


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