single-usesingle-use (not comparable) Designed to be used one time and then discarded or disposed of. 1981 December 4, Overseas Trading, page 757, column 2: Filtrona
singlesingle-celled single-celling single-chain single child single-click single combat single-course single cream single crochet single-crop single cross single crystal
de un solo usode un solo uso (invariable) (idiomatic) single-use, disposable, throwaway (being intended for a single use, to be discarded rather than reused, refilled
single-lens reflexwill be used to take a photograph, usually by incorporating a moving mirror and prism. of a type of camera single-lens reflex (plural single-lens reflexes)
Singleromantic relationship) Not used in German to mean “unmarried”. For that, see ledig, unverheiratet (and nominalisations thereof). Single also generally implies