1444, A. Rodríguez González (ed.), Livro do Concello de Pontevedra (1431-1463). Pontevedra: Museo de Pontevedra, page 183:
aconteçendose que per la ventura algũus homẽes, asi de cavalo como de pee de min o dito Sueiro Gomes, levantaren roido ou alvoroço con algũu ou algũus vesiños da dita vila que eu seja obligado de os prender e poer ẽna cadea do dito Conçello para que se façan deles conprimento de justiça
if by chance any man, either a pawn or a horseman, of me, Sueiro Gómez, caused any quarrel or uproar with any or some neighbours of this town, then I'm obliged to arrest them and took them to the council's jail, so that they can do justice to them
1470, X. Ferro Couselo, editor, A vida e a fala dos devanceiros. Escolma de documentos en galego dos séculos XIII ao XVI, Vigo: Galaxia, page 362:
tódolos outros diseron juntamente que esteueram no arroydo e que uiran matar ao irmao de Gonçaluo Roíz e seu cunhado e outros pyós e que uiram tyrar a Fernán de Sam Payo, e dyserom que ele fezera muytas fyrydas e matara ó dito Gonçaluo Roz, e que ouuera muitos dynheyros dos ditos fynados, e mais diseron que se gauabo que de XX tyros que tyrara que todos empregara, saluo dous
all the rest said altogether that they were at the riot and that they saw how Gonzalvo Rois' brother, and his brother-in-law, and other pawns, were killed; and that they saw Fernán de Sampaio shooting; and they said that he caused many wounds and that he killed the aforementioned Gonzalvo Rios, and that he took many moneys from the dead; and they added that he was boasting that of twenty shots he had thrown, all but two had hit the mark
“roydo” in Xavier Varela Barreiro & Xavier Gómez Guinovart: Corpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval. SLI / Grupo TALG / ILG, 2006-2016.