reading glasses pl (plural only)
- Any type of spectacles intended chiefly to deal with the effects of presbyopia by magnifying details such as fine text.
- Synonyms: readers; cheaters (informal)
spectacles to deal with the effects of presbyopia
- Arabic: نظارة طبية
- Chinese:
- Cantonese: 老花鏡 / 老花镜 (lou5 faa1 geng3), 老花眼鏡 / 老花眼镜 (lou5 faa1 ngaan5 geng3-2)
- Hokkien: 老人目鏡 / 老人目镜 (lāu-lâng ba̍k-kiàⁿ), 老人鏡 / 老人镜 (lāu-lâng-kiàⁿ), 花鏡 / 花镜 (hoe-kiàⁿ)
- Mandarin: 老花鏡 / 老花镜 (zh) (lǎohuājìng), 花鏡 / 花镜 (zh) (huājìng), 老花眼鏡 / 老花眼镜 (lǎohuā yǎnjìng)
- Danish: læsebriller
- Dutch: leesbril (nl) m
- Estonian: lugemisprillid pl
- Finnish: lukulasit (fi) pl
- French: lunettes de lecture (fr) f pl
- German: Lesebrille (de) f
- Hungarian: olvasószemüveg (hu)
- Italian: occhiali da lettura m pl, occhiali per leggere m pl
- Japanese: please add this translation if you can
- Korean: 돋보기 안경 (dotbogi an'gyeong), 돋보기 (ko) (dotbogi)
- Latvian: please add this translation if you can
- Lithuanian: please add this translation if you can
- Navajo: nákʼee sinilí áháníjįʼ bee hootʼínígíí
- Polish: okulary do czytania pl
- Romanian: ochelari de citit m pl
- Russian: очки́ для чте́ния pl (očkí dlja čténija)
- Serbo-Croatian: please add this translation if you can
- Slovak: please add this translation if you can
- Spanish: anteojos para leer m pl, gafas para leer f pl, gafas de lectura f pl
- Swedish: läsglasögon (sv) n pl
- Tamil: please add this translation if you can
- Thai: please add this translation if you can
- Vietnamese: kính đọc sách