illatHypernym: (smell, odor) szag Coordinate term: (stink, stench) bűz illatos illatozik illattalan illatú (Compound words): fenyőillat illatszer virágillat illat
hangjaother hand, certain verbs can express particular sensory impressions, e.g. illatozik (“to smell sweet, to be fragrant”) and bűzlik (“to stink, to reek”).
tapintásaother hand, certain verbs can express particular sensory impressions, e.g. illatozik (“to smell sweet, to be fragrant”) and bűzlik (“to stink, to reek”).
szagaother hand, certain verbs can express particular sensory impressions, e.g. illatozik (“to smell sweet, to be fragrant”) and bűzlik (“to stink, to reek”).
hangzásúother hand, certain verbs can express particular sensory impressions, e.g. illatozik (“to smell sweet, to be fragrant”) and bűzlik (“to stink, to reek”).