eelgrass (countable and uncountable, plural eelgrasses)
- Any of several species of aquatic plant, with very long and narrow leaves
- Zostera spp. in marine environments
- especially Zostera marina, growing abundantly in shallow bays along the coasts of the Northern Hemisphere.
- Vallisneria spp. in freshwater environments.
marine plant of the genus Zostera
Zostera marina
- Estonian: pikk merihein
- Finnish: meriajokas (fi)
- Japanese: 甘藻 (amamo)
- Ottoman Turkish: كتانجك (katancık)
- Portuguese: fita-do-mar f
- Scottish Gaelic: bilearach-coitcheann m
- Swedish: ålgräs n, bandtång c
aquatic plant of the genus Vallisneria
Translations to be checked: "plant"
- Danish: (please verify) almindelig bændeltang
- Dutch: (please verify) groot zeegras (nl)
- French: (please verify) zostère marine
- German: (please verify) Gewöhnliches Seegras n
- Hungarian: (please verify) közönséges tengerifű (hu)
- Kashubian: (please verify) mòrskô czidzëna
- Lithuanian: (please verify) jūrinis andras
- Maori: (please verify) nana, karepō
- North Frisian: (please verify) gewöönelk siagäärs
- Norwegian: (please verify) ålegras
- Upper Sorbian: (please verify) prawa mórska rězna
- Welsh: (please verify) gwellt y gamlas m, (please verify) glasnoden y môr f, (please verify) ysnoden laswerdd y môr f