In this military hovercraft, the air cushion is visible in black at the bottom of the picture
air cushion (plural air cushions)
- A layer of trapped air that supports a hovercraft.
- A shock absorber that uses an air chamber.
- A rubber or plastic inflatable cushion.
layer of trapped air
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 氣墊/气垫 (zh) (qìdiàn)
- Danish: please add this translation if you can
- Finnish: ilmatyyny (fi)
- French: coussin d’air m
- Irish: aerchúisín m, cúisín m
- Italian: cuscino d'aria m
- Japanese: エアクッション (ea kusshon)
- Korean: 에어쿠션 (eeokusyeon), 공기방석(空氣方席) (gonggibangseok) (North Korean)
- Portuguese: colchão de ar m
- Russian: возду́шная поду́шка (ru) f (vozdúšnaja podúška)
- Spanish: please add this translation if you can
shock absorber
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 氣墊減震器/气垫减震器 (qìdiàn jiǎnzhènqì)
- Danish: please add this translation if you can
- Finnish: ilmatyyny (fi)
- French: amortisseur (fr)
- Japanese: please add this translation if you can
- Korean: please add this translation if you can
- Portuguese: please add this translation if you can
- Russian: де́мпфер (ru) m (dɛ́mpfer)
- Spanish: please add this translation if you can
inflatable cushion
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 充氣墊/充气垫 (chōngqìdiàn)
- Danish: please add this translation if you can
- Finnish: ilmatyyny (fi)
- French: coussin gonflable (fr)
- Italian: camera d'aria (it) f
- Japanese: please add this translation if you can
- Korean: please add this translation if you can
- Portuguese: almofada inflável f
- Russian: надувна́я поду́шка f (naduvnája podúška)
- Spanish: please add this translation if you can