清熱瀉火 (herbs used to clear heat and purge fire)
- 梔子, fruit of Gardenia
- 石膏, gypsum
- 天花粉, root of Trichosanthes
- 知母, rhizome of Anemarrhena
- 蘆根, rhizome of Phragmites
- 决明子, seed of Cassia
- 夏枯草, Prunella plant
- 谷精草, pipewort
- 青箱子, seed of the cockscomb
- 淡竹葉, bland leaf of the bamboo
- 竹葉, leaf of the bamboo
- 寒水石, calcitum
- 鴨跖草, dayflower
- 青葙子
- 密蒙花
清热凉血 (herbs used to clear heat and cool blood)
清热燥湿 (herbs to clear heat and eliminate dampness)
清熱解毒 (herbs used to clear heat and toxics)
- 忍冬藤, stem of Lonicera japonica
- 金銀花, flower of Lonicera japonica
- 大青葉, leaf of Isatis
- 連翹, fruit of Forsythia
- 穿心蓮, Andrographis plant
- 魚腥草, Houttuynia plant
- 敗醬草, Patrinia plant
- 馬齒莧, Portulaca
- 蒲公英, dandelion or Taraxacum
- 紫花地丁, Viola philippica
- 青黛, Indigo naturalis
- 白頭翁, root of the Pulsatilla
- 射干, rhizome of the Belamcanda
- 红藤, stem of the Sargentodoxa
- 板藍根, root of the Isatis
- 山豆根, root of the Sophora tonkinensis
- 土茯苓, wild tuckahoe
- 北豆根, root of the Asian moonseed
- 山慈菇, bulb of the Pleione
- 四季青 leaf of the Chinese holly
- 地錦草, wolf grass
- 金麥, rhizome of the wild buckwheat
- 拳參, rhizome of the bistort
- 蚤休, rhizome of the manyleaf Paris Paris polyphylla
- 馬勃, puff-ball
- 馬齒莧, purslane
- 貫叢, rhizome of the filix
- 墓回頭, muhuitou
- 漏蘆, root of the globethistle
- 綠豆衣, skin of the mung bean
- 鴉膽子, fruit of the Brucea javanica
- 白毛夏枯草
- 金蕎麥
- 山慈姑
- 熊膽
- 垂盆草
清虛熱 (herbs to clear deficiency heat)