ευSee also: εὐ-, εὑ, εὖ, ἐΰ, and ἐύ From Ancient Greek εὖ (eû). ευ • (ef) (archaic) well
ἐΰSee also: ευ, εὐ-, εὑ, εὖ, and ἐύ IPA(key): /e.ý/ → /eˈy/ → /eˈi/ (5th BCE Attic) IPA(key): /e.ý/ (1st CE Egyptian) IPA(key): /eˈy/ (4th CE Koine) IPA(key):
εὖSee also: ευ, εὐ-, εὑ, ἐΰ, and ἐύ ἐΰ (eǘ) — Epic Adverbial use of neuter accusative singular of ἐΰς (eǘs, “good”), from Proto-Hellenic *ehu-, from Proto-Indo-European
εὑSee also: ευ, εὐ-, εὖ, ἐΰ, and ἐύ IPA(key): /heu̯/ → /eβ/ → /ev/ (5th BCE Attic) IPA(key): /heu̯/ (1st CE Egyptian) IPA(key): /(h)ew/ (4th CE Koine)
εὐ-See also: ευ, εὑ, εὖ, ἐΰ, and ἐύ ἐϋ- (eü-) — Epic Prefix form of εὖ (eû, “well”). IPA(key): /eu̯/ → /eβ/ → /ev/ (5th BCE Attic) IPA(key): /eu̯/ (1st