palace of the Orellana-Pizarro family, the palace of the Duques de San Carlos, Marquesadode Piedras Albas, the house of the strong Altamirano, Palace Chaves
first wife, Catalina Suárez. The noble title and senorial estate of the Marquesado was passed down to his descendants until 1811. The Oaxaca Valley was one
to Antonio Álvarez de Bohorques, MarquesadodelosTrujillos, Major Ensign of the City of Granada, who in turn sold it to Dalmau de Queralt, Count of Santa
pontifical decree issued by Pope Pius XII towards the image of Virgen delos Remedios de Pampanga for the Philippines on 15 July 1956. The pontifical decree
Franco has never recognized Carloctavista nobility titles, namely 2 marquesados, 10 condados and 1 vizcondado, all created in 1944–1951, Heras y Borrero