corporate governance code, King II Report, non-legislative CodeTabaksblat – 2003 Dutch governance code, based on 'comply or explain' (Dutch Wikipedia) Financial
was the CEO of Unilever and chairman of the Tabaksblat committee which drafted the Tabaksblatcode. Tabaksblat was educated at the Sorghvliet Gymnasium in
Governance Code, the German Corporate Governance Code (or Deutscher Corporate Governance Kodex) and the Dutch Corporate Governance Code 'CodeTabaksblat' (nl:code-Tabaksblat)
principles and best practices of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code, also known as the “CodeTabaksblat”. Additionally, as banking organization, Credit Europe
Johannes Jurgens William Lever, 1st Viscount Leverhulme Paul Polman Morris Tabaksblat Samuel van den Bergh Sidney J. van den Bergh Simon van den Bergh Eugenio