allies included Gertrud Bäumer, Anton Erkelenz [de], WilhelmHeile [de], Theodor Heuss, Carl Wilhelm Petersen, and Gustav Stolper. This group held positions
by head and heart, so that he wants to hear and speak of nothing but the heile Kist ["Holy Ghost"] - it's something very sweet. In 1846 a daughter named
DDP Entered on 17 January 1920 as a replacement for Moritz Baerwald WilhelmHeile DDP 18 (Süd-Hannover-Braunschweig) Georg Heim Centre 28 (Niederbayern-Oberpfalz)
Heller, the later Bundespräsident Theodor Heuss, Rudolf Hilferding, WilhelmHeile, Hermann Luther, the politician and sociology professor Ernst Niekisch