W. Kordes' Söhne

German rose breeding company From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

W. Kordes' Söhne (en. W. Kordes' Sons) is a German rose breeding company in Klein Offenseth-Sparrieshoop in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. The company is one of the world's leading rose breeders and producers for cut roses and garden roses, annually selling worldwide more than two million rose plants at retail and wholesale. Each year, more than 50,000 new crosses of garden roses and cut roses are tested, leading to four to six marketable varieties after a trial period of eight to ten years.


Memorial stone for Wilhelm Kordes in Klein Offenseth-Sparrieshoop

Wilhelm Kordes I (born 1865 in Holstein, Germany, died 1935 in Klein Offenseth-Sparrieshoop) was a German horticulturist. In 1887 he created a rose garden in Elmshorn, specializing in growing garden roses. In 1918 he moved the firm to Klein Offenseth-Sparrieshoop in Schleswig-Holstein.

His sons, the breeder Wilhelm Kordes II (born 30 March 1891 in Elmshorn, died 11 November 1976) and Hermann Kordes (1893-1963) changed the name of the expanding company to "Wilhelm Kordes' Söhne". Wilhelm Kordes II's varieties made them one of the biggest rose firms of the twentieth century. His general aim was to breed hardy and healthy varieties for the German climate. After 1920 he concentrated entirely on rose-growing, leaving management to his brother Hermann. By the mid-1930s, the company had grown to considerable size.

[Wilhelm's] experiments focused at first upon the native European species, including Rosa canina, R. rubiginosa, and R. spinosissima: the results include such important shrub roses as 'Harry Maasz' (1939), 'Louis Rödiger' (1935), 'Raubritter' (1936), 'Karl Föster' (1930), and the early-flowering "Frühling" series. He also experimented with the Hybrid Musks such as 'Elmshorn' (1950), 'Erfurt' (1931), and 'Eva' (1933). [His son Reimer later bred 'Iceberg', also a Hybrid Musk.] Hybrid Teas were not neglected: 'Crimson Glory' (1935) had an unusually long reign as the world's favourite crimson rose.[1]

During the Second World War Wilhelm Kordes II crossed the East Asian Rosa wichurana with the Japanese Rosa rugosa eventually to obtain a new species, Rosa kordesii, able to withstand the harsh winters of north Germany. From it he later bred such famous post-war varieties as 'Parkdirektor Riggers,' 'Leverkusen,' Hamburger Phönix' and 'Heidelberg.' "The dark, glossy foliage of many modern roses can be traced back to 'Kordesii'."[1]

Wilhelm Kordes II was also very involved in implementing ADR testing (general testing of new German roses) in 1950, established by the rose breeders in the Federation of German Nurseries.

Above all, it is as a rose breeder than Wilhelm Kordes [II] will be remembered. He and his son Reimer bred some of the world's best-known roses, including 'Crimson Glory' and 'Schneewittchen' ('Iceberg'). Kordes knew that it was through introducing new genes that all the great advances in plant breeding had been achieved. His experiments focused at first upon the native European species and Rosa rugosa; his aim was to develop new bush roses for small gardens.[2]

From 1955, his son Reimer Kordes (February 19, 1922 – 3 February 1997) ran the company until Reimer's son Wilhelm Kordes III (1953-2016) took over in 1977.

Reimer moved on from shrub roses to concentrate on brilliantly coloured Hybrid Teas and Floribundas for private and public gardens. Nevertheless, he introduced roses of every type: large-flowered climbers such as 'Alchymist' (1956) and 'Antike 89' (1988); ground cover roses such as 'Immensee' and 'Sommerwind'; Hybrid Teas including 'Duftzauber 84' (1984) and 'Kupferkönigin' (1996); shrubs such as 'Chiarivari' (1970), 'Lucinde' (1988), and 'Rosenstadt Zweibrücken' (1989); Floribundas such as 'Golden Holstein' (1988) and 'Crimson Bouquet' (1999); and cut-flower roses such as 'Champagner' (1985).[1]

One of the world's best known rose cultivars, 'Iceberg' (syn. 'Schneewittchen') was introduced by Reimer Kordes in 1958. The variety was selected as the "World Favourite Rose" of 1983. Other famous cultivars include 'Sunsprite', and 'Aprikola'.

Sortable list of Kordes rose varieties

More information Name, Form ...
Adolf Horstmannhybrid teayellow and pink1971Thumb
Agnes Bernauerhybrid tealight pink1989Thumb
Alohaclimberapricot and pink2002Thumb
Amadeushybrid teadark red2003Thumb
Angelabushcarmine pink1984Thumb
Ankori (Angelique)hybrid teaorange blend1980Thumb
Antike 89floribunda climberwhite blend, red edges1988
Aprikolafloribundayellow-orange to apricot20012001Thumb
Asso di Cuorihybrid teadark red1981Thumb
Athenahybrid teawhite blend1984Thumb
August Kordes (Lafayette)floribundadeep pink1928Thumb
Australian Gold (Mona Lisa)floribundaapricot blend1980Thumb
Ave Mariahybrid teastrong salmon-orange1981Thumb
Bad Birnbachfloribunda, shrubcarmine-pink20002000Thumb
Bad Füssingfloribundared1980Thumb
Bad Neuenahrbushmid-red1958Thumb
Bad Wörishofen (Pink Emely)floribunda, shrubcarmine pink20052003Thumb
Ballethybrid teadeep pink1958Thumb
Belamihybrid teaorange-pink1985Thumb
Bella Rosafloribundastrong pink1982Thumb
Berolinahybrid teacitron yellow1986Thumb
Beverlyhybrid tealight pink1999Thumb
Black Boybushdark red1958Thumb
Blue Bayoufloribundamauve1993Thumb
Blue Girl (Kölner Karneval)hybrid teamauve1964Thumb
Blue Riverhybrid teamauve1984Thumb
Blühwunderfloribundabright pink to salmon pink19951994Thumb
Bonanzabushgolden-yellow, copper edges19831984Thumb
Bremer Stadtmusikantenfloribundapink blend2000Thumb
Bride's Dream (Märchenkönigin)hybrid tealight pink1985Thumb
Burghausenbushbright crimson19911989Thumb
Cerviafloribundaapricot and pink2003Thumb
Charmantdwarfstrong pink19992004Thumb
Cherry Girlfloribundared2007Thumb
Chiarivarishrubyellow blend1971Thumb
Christel von der Posthybrid teadeep yellow1990Thumb
Colour Wonderhybrid teaorange-red, cream reverse1964Thumb
Crimson Bouquetgrandifloradark red1966Thumb
Crimson Gloryhybrid teadark red1935Thumb
Cubanashrubapricot blend2001Thumb
Diamantfloribunda, Shrubwhite20012002Thumb
Die Welthybrid teaorange-red1976Thumb
Doktor Waldheimhybrid teasalmon pink1973Thumb
Dolomitifloribundapink, cream centre2011Thumb
Dornröschenschloss Sababurgshrubpink1993Thumb
Dortmundclimbercarmine-tinted crimson, white centre19551954Thumb
Duftzauberhybrid teadark red1984Thumb
Dusterloheclimberdeep pink1931
Eifelzaubershrublight pink2008Thumb
Elizahybrid teapink to silver-pink20042005Thumb
Elmshornbushcherry red1951Thumb
Elveshörnbushbright red1985Thumb
Escimominiaturebright white20062006Thumb
Esmeraldahybrid teawhite and pink1980Thumb
Espritfloribundadark red1985Thumb
Erfurtbushpink, white on a golden base1939Thumb
Eurekafloribundaapricot blend2002Thumb
Fairest Capehybrid teaapricot, orange shading1994Thumb
Fantasia Mondialehybrid teaapricot, salmon-pink edges2006Thumb
Fee des Neiges (Iceberg, Schneewittchen)floribundawhite1958Thumb
Felicitasbushdark red19981996
Flammentanzsmall shrubcrimson19551952Thumb
Flirtfloribunda shrubdeep pink2000Thumb
Florentinahybrid teacrimson19731974Thumb
Fortunafloribunda, shrubdark red20022002Thumb
Fritz Nobisbushbright pink1940Thumb
Frühlingsanfangbushbright yellow1950Thumb
Frühlingsgoldbushmuted yellow1937Thumb
Fuggerstadt Augsburgfloribundaorange-red1985Thumb
Funkuhrhybrid teayellow, red edges1984Thumb
Gabriele Gebauer (Sunstar)floribundalight yellow2007Thumb
Garden of Rosespatio shrubcream, apricot centre2006Thumb
Gärtnerfreudeshrub, floribundabright red20012001Thumb
Gebrüder Grimmfloribundaorange-red uppers, peach backs20022002Thumb
Gelber Engelfloribundabright yellow20022004Thumb
Golden Gateclimberbright yellow20052006Thumb
Golden Medaillonhybrid teadeep yellow1991Thumb
Goldener Holsteinfloribundadeep yellow1988Thumb
Goldmariefloribundadeep yellow1982Thumb
Grande Amorehybrid teaintense dark red20042005Thumb
Gruss an Bayernfloribundared1971Thumb
Hamburgbushdark red1935Thumb
Hamburger Deernhybrid teaorange-pink1997Thumb
Hamburger PhönixKordesii climberred1954Thumb
Hannah Gordon (Tabris)floribundawhite, pink edges1983Thumb
Hansa Parkshrubmauve1994
Harlekinclimbercream, red edges1986Thumb
Harmoniehybrid teaorange-pink1981Thumb
Heidelberghybrid teacarmine-red1959Thumb
Harry Maaszhybrid macranthacrimson-violet, white centre1939Thumb
Heinzelmännchenfloribundabright crimson1983Thumb
Helmut Schmidthybrid teayellow1979Thumb
Herkulesshrubwhite, pink undertones2007Thumb
Ilse Krohnbushbright cream and white1957Thumb
Ilse Krohn superiorbushbright cream and white1964Thumb
Innocenciashrub, floribundabright white20032004Thumb
Immenseeshrublight pink1982
Jasminaclimberviolet and pink1997Thumb
Juanitashrubpink, carmine pink20072006Thumb
Karl Försterbushwhite1931
Karl Herbsthybrid teacarmine red1950Thumb
Karl Ploberger Roseshrubyellow, lighter outer petals2007Thumb
Kleopatrahybrid teared and yellow1994Thumb
Knirpsshrub, ground covercarmine pink19972004Thumb
KO 95/1727-03shrubyellow blend2003Thumb
KO 98 1552-01floribundayellow1998Thumb
Kordes Brilliantshruborange blend1983Thumb
Korelasting (Lindenhof)bushbright pink, yellow centre1999Thumb
Kupferköniginhybrid teadeep yellow1996Thumb
Lady Rosehybrid teaorange-pink1979Thumb
Lagunahybrid teadeep pink1995Thumb
Larissashrublight pink2007Thumb
Las Vegashybrid teaorange, yellow reverse1981Thumb
Leverkusenclimberbright yellow1954Thumb
Lichtkönigin Luciabushstrong lemon-yellow19661968Thumb
Liebeszauberhybrid teadark red1991Thumb
Lili Marlenefloribundadark red1959Thumb
Lolitahybrid teaapricot blend1972Thumb
Loving Memoryhybrid teared1981Thumb
Louis Rödigerclimberpale orange to orange1935Thumb
Lucindeshrubdeep yellow1988Thumb
Lupominiaturemauve blend2006Thumb
Lydiashruborange blend1973Thumb
Mabella (New Day)hybrid teayellow1972Thumb
Mainaufeuer (Red Ribbons)bushred1990Thumb
Mandarinminiatureapricot blend1987Thumb
Mandyhybrid teadark red1987Thumb
Manitaclimberpink, yellow centre19981998Thumb
Mariandel (Christian IV)floribundacrimson1982Thumb
Maxi Vitafloribunda, shrubdark pink, yellow-orange base20012001Thumb
Mein schöner Gartenshrubpink, salmon-pink1986Thumb
Memoirehybrid teawhite1992Thumb
Mireille Mathieufloribundaorange-red1988Thumb
Mondialehybrid teaold rose pink1993Thumb
Moonlightflorist's roselight yellow2004Thumb
Moon Rivershrubwhite1996Thumb
NDR1 Radio Niedersachsenfloribundadeep pink1996Thumb
Neonfloribunda, shrubcarmine pink20012001Thumb
Neue Revuehybrid teared blend1969Thumb
Neues Europafloribundascarlet1965Thumb
New Dayhybrid teabutter yellow1972Thumb
Nicolefloribundawhite, red edges1985Thumb
Nymphenburgbushbright pink1954
Out of Rosenheimfloribundared2010Thumb
Palmengarten Frankfurtshrubcarmine pink19881992Thumb
Parkdirektor RiggersKordesii climberhard red1957Thumb
Parolehybrid teadeep pink2002Thumb
Peer Gynthybrid teayellow, red edges1968Thumb
Perfect Momenthybrid teared, yellow reverse1989Thumb
Pepitadwarfbright carmine pink20042004Thumb
Peter Frankenfeldhybrid teadeep pink1966Thumb
Petticoatfloribundawhite, apricot centre20042004Thumb
Pink Bassinoshrubpink19951993Thumb
Pink Robustashrubpink1987Thumb
Planten un Blomenfloribundared, pink reverse1999Thumb
Pomponellafloribundadeep pink20052006Thumb
Queen Motherfloribundalight pink19711971Thumb
Queen of Heartshybrid teaorange-pink2008Thumb
Raubritterramblerbright pink1936Thumb
Raymond Chenaultshrubred1960Thumb
Rebellhybrid teared1996Thumb
Ritter von Barmstedeshrubpink1959Thumb
Rosannaclimbersalmon pink2002Thumb
Rosarium UetersenClimberpink1977Thumb
Roselinashrubdeep pink1992Thumb
Rosenfeefloribundalight pink2006Thumb
Rosenprofessor Sieberfloribundapink19971996Thumb
RosenresliShrub, bushsalmon-pink19861984Thumb
Rosenstadt Zweibrückenshrubpink blend1989
Rosenwunderhybrid rubiginosadeep pink1934Thumb
Rosmarinminiaturedeep pink1989Thumb
Rote Mozartshruborange-red1989Thumb
Roter Korsarbush, shrubdark velvet red2004Thumb
Roxyminiatureviolet, red2007Thumb
Rugeldabushlemon yellow1989Thumb
Sambafloribundared and yellow1964Thumb
Schwarze MadonnaKordesii hybrid teadark red1992Thumb
Schwarzer SamtKordesii climberdark red1969Thumb
Sebastian Kneipphybrijd teawhite1997Thumb
Shocking Bluefloribundamauve blend1985Thumb
Smart Roadrunnerhybrid rugosadeep pink2002Thumb
Solerohybrid teadeep yellow2005Thumb
Sommerabendshrub, ground coverbright red19951996Thumb
Sommermorgenshrublight pink1983Thumb
Sommerwindground cover, floribundapure pink19851987Thumb
Sonnenröschendwarf, ground coverwhite, yellow eye20052003Thumb
Späths Jubiläumfloribundaorange1953Thumb
Speelwarkhybrid teayellow and pink1999Thumb
St. Paulipink-yellow1958
Sterntalerhybrid teayellow1995Thumb
Sunny Roseshrub, ground coverbright yellow, light yellow20012004Thumb
Sunsprite (Friesia)floribundadeep yellow1973Thumb
SyltKordesii hybriddark red1980Thumb
Sylviahybrid teapink19781977Thumb
SympathieKordesii climberdeep scarlet19641966Thumb
Tatjanahybrid teadark red1970Thumb
Träumereibushlobster and salmon orange1974Thumb
UNICEF-Rosefloribunda, shrubbright pink20072005Thumb
Uetersens Rosenköniginbushorange to mid-red2009Thumb
Uetersens Rosenprinzessinbushlight pink2009Thumb
Valenciahybrid teaamber-yellow1989Thumb
Vogelpark Walsrodebushlight pink19881989Thumb
Walter SchultheisThumb
Wedding Bellshybrid teapink2010Thumb
Weisse Immenseeshrubwhite1982Thumb
Weisse Wolkeclimberwhite1998Thumb
Westerlandbushorange to apricot19691974Thumb
Wilhelmclimberdark red1934Thumb
Wilhelm HansmannKordesii shrubdark red1955
Winter Sunhybrid teayellow2010Thumb
Yankee Doodlehybrid teayellow blend1965Thumb
Zitronenjettehybrid teayellow1964Thumb
Zwergenfeeminiaturered orange1978Thumb



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