The Castle of the Moors (Portuguese: Castelo dosMouros) is a hilltop medieval castle located in the central Portuguese civil parish of Santa Maria e São
The Anta da Pedra dosMouros (Stone of the Moors), also known as the Anta do Senhor da Serra (Lord of the Mountains), is a megalithic dolmen situated near
maidens who were left guarding the treasures that the males, mouros encantados (enchanted mouros) hid before heading to Mourama.[clarification needed] The
directed, also with Malde, another archaeological excavation, that of the TorredosMouros [gl] in Lira, Carnota [gl]. In Galician Herdeiros pola forza. Patrimonio
concelho freguesias Ázere Candosa Carapinha Covas Covelo Espariz Meda de Mouros Midões Mouronho Pinheiro de Coja Póvoa de Midões São João da Boa Vista Sinde