Piekarczyk and Tomson & Baron from Afromental. The show was hosted by TomaszKammel, Marika and Maciej Musiał. The winner of the second series was Natalia
Górniak, Tomson and Baron, and Dawid Kwiatkowski. The show was hosted by TomaszKammel, Barbara Kurdej-Szatan and Adam Zdrójkowski. The winner was 13-year-old
Andrzej Piaseczny would become coaches for the show's first season, with TomaszKammel joining Marta Manowska to be hosts. On 17 August 2020, it was announced
season. Paulina Chylewska makes her debut as the main host, replacing TomaszKammel. Maciej Musiał, who returns after his three-season hiatus, joins her
the coaches for the twelfth season of the show. On August 11, 2021, TomaszKammel and Małgorzata Tomaszewska confirmed that they would return as the hosts