Reigning Descendants of Tuqa-Timur |
- Tūqā-Tīmūr (d. after 1257), son of Jöchi, son of Chinggis Khān
- Bāy-Timur [a]
- Tūqānchar
- Sāsī
- Qarā Nūqāy of the Ulus of Orda 1360–1363 [b]
- Būchqāq
- Tughluq-Tīmūr of the Ulus of Orda 1363–? [c]
- Qutluq-Khwāja of the Ulus of Orda 1369 [d]
- Būrqūlāq
- Bāyān [f]
- Dānishmand
- Īl-Tūtār
- Beg-Tūt
- Beg-Ṣūfī = ? Beg-Ṣūfī claimant in Crimea 1419–1421 (identification disputed) [h]
- Sayyid-Aḥmad II claimant in Crimea 1432–1437, Podolia 1433–1452 (d. 1465?) (identification disputed) [i]
- Ūrung-Tīmūr (Ūrungbāsh, sometimes conflated with Ūz-Tīmūr) [j]
- Achiq
- Tāqtaq [k]
- Tīmūr-Khwāja
- Bādiq
- Urūs of the Ulus of Orda 1369–1377, of the Golden Horde 1373, 1374–1375 [l]
- Qutlū-Būqā of the Ulus of Orda 1374–1375 [m]
- Tūqtāqiyā of the Ulus of Orda 1377 [n]
- Beg-Pūlād claimant in Crimea 1391–1392
- Anīka-Pūlād
- Tīmūr-Malik of the Ulus of Orda 1377–1379 [q]
- Qūyūrchuq of the Golden Horde 1395–1397
- Barāq of the Ulus of Orda 1419–1421; of Sibir 1421–1426; of the Golden Horde 1423–1428 [r]
- Jānī-Beg Abū-Saʿīd of the Kazakhs 1470–after 1490 (the listing of his ruling descendants is selective and incomplete) [s]
- Qāsim of the Kazakhs 1513–1521 [t]
- Adīk
- Ṭāhir of the Kazakhs 1522–1532 [x]
- Būydāsh of the Kazakhs 1532–1559 [y]
- Khwāja-Muḥammad (Qujāsh) Kazakh claimant 1535 [z]
- Usāq
- Pūlād Kazakh claimant 1537
- Ūsāk
- Būlākāy
- Bahādur of the Kazakhs 1652–1680
- Aychuwāq
- Irīsh
- Khwāja-Sulṭān [aa]
- Abu'l-Khayr Muḥammad of the Kazakh Lesser Jüz 1718–1748 [ab]
- Nūr-ʿAlī of the Kazakh Lesser Jüz 1748–1786, previously 42nd khan of Khwarazm 1742 (d. 1790) [ac]
- Pīr-ʿAlī claimant 1770–1805 [ad]
- Īsh-Muḥammad (Īshīm) of the Kazakh Lesser Jüz 1794–1797 [ae]
- Būkāy of the Kazakh Inner Jüz 1801–1815 [af]
- Jahāngīr Girāy of the Kazakh Inner Jüz 1823–1845 [ag]
- Ṣāḥib Girāy of the Kazakh Inner Jüz 1845–1847 [ah]
- Shighāy of the Kazakh Inner Jüz 1815–1823 [ai]
- Yār-Muḥammad of the Kazakh Lesser Jüz 1786–1790
- Īr-ʿAlī of the Kazakh Lesser Jüz 1791–1794 [aj]
- Būlākāy, 52nd khan of Khwarazm 1770; rival khan of the Kazakh Lesser Jüz 1797–1809 [ak]
- ʿĀdil-Sulṭān [al]
- Aqīm, 53rd and 57th khan of Khwarazm 1770–1772 and 1773–1774 (d. after 1790) [am]
- Tugīn [an]
- Yādigār, 58th, 60th, and 62nd khan of Khwarazm 1774–1775, 1779–1781, and 1783–1790 (d. before 1803) [ao]
- Abū'l-Ghāzī V, 64th and 66th khan of Khwarazm 1802–1804 and 1806 (d. 1815?)
- Aychuwāq of the Kazakh Lesser Jüz 1797–1805 (d. 1810) [ap]
- Jān-Tūra of the Kazakh Lesser Jüz 1805–1809 [aq]
- Shīr-Ghāzī of the Kazakh Lesser Jüz 1809–1824 (d. 1845) [ar]
- Tūqtāmish [as]
- Sarī-Aygīr (Mamāy), 38th khan of Khwarazm 1727 [at]
- Jādik
- Tūgum Kazakh claimant 1552–1556 [au]
- Shighāy of the Kazakhs 1580–1582 [av]
- Andān-Sulṭān
- Abūlī of Tashkent (d. 1650) [aw]
- Uraz-Muḥammad of Kasimov 1600–1611
- Kīchīk-Sulṭān
- Būkāy
- Khudāmanda
- Tursūn I of Tashkent (d.1717) [ax]
- Kīchīk-Sulṭān of the Kazakh Middle Jüz 1748–1750 [ay]
- Sulṭān-Barāq of the Kazakh Middle Jüz 1748–1750 [az]
- Nūr-ʿAlī II, 50th khan of Khwarazm 1768–1769 [ba]
- Tawakkul (Tawka) of the Kazakhs 1582–1598 [bb]
- Amān-Būlān
- Bahādur
- Tursūn II of Tashkent (d. 1720) [bc]
- Yulbārs of Tashkent and the Kazakh Greater Jüz 1720–1740 [bd]
- Īsh-Muḥammad (Īshīm) of the Kazakhs 1598–1613, 1627–1628 [be]
- Khudābanda
- Sīrdāq
- Khusraw
- Qayʾip of the Kazakhs 1715–1718[bf]
- Bahādur Jānī-Beg, 39th khan of Khwarazm 1727–1728, rival khan of the Kazakh Lesser Jüz 1748–1771 [bg]
- Qayʾip, 44th khan of Khwarazm 1747–1757, rival khan of the Kazakh Lesser Jüz 1786–1791 [bh]
- Jahāngīr, 51st khan of Khwarazm 1769–1770 [bi]
- ʿAbd-al-ʿAzīz, 54th khan of Khwarazm 1771–1772 (d. 1815?)
- Abū'l-Fayḍ, 59th khan of Khwarazm 1775–1779
- Qarā-Biy (ʿAbd-Allāh), 45th and 56th khan of Khwarazm 1757, 1773 (d. after 1810) [bj]
- Abū'l-Ghāzī IV, 63rd khan of Khwarazm 1790–1802 (d. before 1806) [bk]
- (?) Khudāyār
- Tawakkul (Ḫudāydād), 47th khan of Khwarazm 1763–1764 [bl]
- Jānī-Beg of the Kazakhs 1628–1644 [bm]
- Jahāngīr of the Kazakhs 1644–1652 [bn]
- Tawakkul-Muḥammad (Tawka) of the Kazakhs 1652–1715 [bo]
- Pūlād of the Kazakhs 1718-1729 [bp]
- Abu'l-Muḥammad of the Kazakh Middle Jüz by 1737–1748, 1750–1771 [bq]
- Shāh-Muḥammad (Sameke) of the Kazakh Middle Jüz 1719–after 1734 (1737?) [br]
- Walī [bs]
- Abūlī [bt]
- Īsh-Muḥammad (Īshīm), 36th khan of Khwarazm 1714 (?) [bu]
- Jahāngīr of Tashkent (d. after 1717) [bv]
- Walī [bw]
- Abu'l-Manṣūr Abūlī (Ablai) of the Kazakh Middle Jüz 1771–1781 [bx]
- ʿAbdallāh of the Kazakh Middle Jüz 1781–1782 [by]
- Walī of the Kazakh Middle Jüz 1782–1821 [bz]
- ʿUbaydallāh of the Kazakh Middle Jüz 1821–1824 (d. 1852) [ca]
- Qāsim [cb]
- Sārīcha
- Kuyunchak
- Qutluq-Khwāja
- Tuy-Khwāja [cd]
- Tūqtāmīš of the Ulus of Orda 1379–, of the Golden Horde 1380–1395, 1398, of Sibir 1399–1406Tursūn II of Tashkent (d. 1720) [ce]
- Jalāl ad-Dīn of the Golden Horde 1411–1412 [cf]
- ? Beg-Ṣūfī claimant in Crimea 1419–1421 (identification disputed) [cg]
- Sayyid-Aḥmad II claimant in Crimea 1432–1437, Podolia 1433–1452 (d. 1465?) (identification disputed) [ch]
- Karīm-Bīrdī of the Golden Horde 1409, 1412–1413, 1414–1415 (d. 1417?) [ci]
- Sayyid-Aḥmad I of the Golden Horde 1416 (disputed identification) [cj]
- Kibak of the Golden Horde 1413–1414 [ck]
- Jabbār-Bīrdī of the Golden Horde 1414–1415, 1416–1417 [cl]
- Qādir-Bīrdī of the Golden Horde 1419–1420 [cm]
- Kūchuk-Muḥammad claimant in Crimea 1421 [cn]
- Tūlāk-Tīmūr
- Janis [co]
- Tāsh-Tīmūr claimant in Crimea 1395–1396 (d. after 1404) [cp]
- Ghiyāth ad-Dīn I of the Golden Horde 1416 [cq]
- Ḥājjī Girāy I of Crimea 1433–1434, 1443–1444, 1449–1466 [cr]
- Ḥaydar Girāy of Crimea 1456 [cs]
- Nūr-Dawlat Girāy of Crimea 1466–1467, 1474–1475, 1476–1478; of Kasimov 1486–1490 (d. 1503) [ct]
- Manglī Girāy I of Crimea 1467–1474, 1475–1476, 1478–1514 [cw]
- Muḥammad Girāy I of Crimea 1514–1523 [cx]
- Saʿādat Girāy I of Crimea 1524–1531 (d. 1539) [da]
- Islām Girāy I of Astrakhan 1531–1532; of Crimea 1532 (d. 1537) [db]
- Ṣāḥib Girāy I of Kazan 1521–1524; of Crimea 1532–1551 [dc]
- Maḥmūd Girāy [dd]
- Mubārak Girāy [dg]
- Dawlat Girāy I of Crimea 1551–1577 (d. 1720) [dh]
- Islām Girāy II of Crimea 1584, 1584–1588 [dl]
- Ghāzī Girāy II of Crimea 1588–1596, 1596–1608 [dm]
- Fatḥ Girāy I of Crimea 1596 [dp]
- Salāmat Girāy I of Crimea 1608–1610 [ds]
- Bahādur Girāy I of Crimea 1637–1641 [dt]
- Salīm Girāy I of Crimea 1671–1678, 1684–1691, 1692–1699, 1702–1704 [du]
- Dawlat Girāy II of Crimea 1688–1702, 1708–1713 (d. 1725) [dv]
- Fatḥ Girāy II of Crimea 1736–1737 (d. 1746) [dw]
- Arslān Girāy of Crimea 1748–1756, 1767 [dy]
- Dawlat Girāy IV of Crimea 1769–1770, 1775–1777 (d. 1781) [dz]
- Salīm Girāy
- Salīm Girāy
- Azamat Girāy
- Qādir Girāy (d. 1953)
- Azamat Girāy (d. 2001) [ea]
- Shāhbāz Girāy of Bujaq 1787–1789 (d. 1793) [eb]
- Qīrīm Girāy of Crimea 1758–1764, 1768–1769 [ec]
- Bakht Girāy of Bujaq 1789–1792 (d. 1801) [ed]
- Aḥmad Girāy [ee]
- Ghāzī Girāy III of Crimea 1704–1707 (d. 1708) [ei]
- Qaplān Girāy I of Crimea 1707–1708, 1713–1716, 1730–1736 (d. 1738) [ej]
- Saʿādat Girāy IV of Crimea 1717–1724 (d. 1732) [em]
- Manglī Girāy II of Crimea 1724–1730, 1737–1739 [eo]
- Salāmat Girāy II of Crimea 1740–1743 (d. 1751) [ep]
- Maqṣūd Girāy of Crimea 1767–1768, 1771–1772 (d. 1781) [eq]
- Muḥammad Girāy IV of Crimea 1641–1644, 1654–1666 [er]
- Islām Girāy III of Crimea 1644–1654 [es]
- Mubārak Girāy [et]
- Qīrīm Girāy [ev]
- Ṣafāʾ Girāy [ey]
- ʿĀdil Girāy [fa]
- Mubārak Girāy [fc]
- ? Beg-Ṣūfī claimant in Crimea 1419–1421 (identification disputed) [fe]
- Sayyid-Aḥmad II claimant in Crimea 1432–1437, Podolia 1433–1452 (d. 1465?) [ff]
- Dawlat-Bīrdī of the Golden Horde 1428; claimant in Crimea 1421-1428 [fg]
- ʿAlī
- Khudādād of the Golden Horde 1422–1425 [fh]
- Ḥasan
- Kay-Tīmūr (Ūz-Tīmūr), son of Tūqā-Tīmūr
- Abāy
- Nūmqān[ft]
- Qutluq-Tīmūr = ? Qutluq-Tīmūr named as rival of ʿAbdallāh Khan in 1361 by Ibn Khaldun [fu]
- Tīmūr-Beg = ? Ūljāy-Tīmūr of the Golden Horde 1368 (d. 1369) [fv]
- Tīmūr-Qutluq of the Golden Horde 1397–1398, 1398–1399 [fw]
- Pūlād of the Golden Horde 1406–1409, 1409–1410 [fx]
- Tīmūr of the Golden Horde 1410–1412 [fy]
- Kīchīk Muḥammad of the Golden Horde 1434–1459 [fz]
- Maḥmūd of the Golden Horde 1459–1465; of Astrakhan 1465–1471 [ga]
- Qāsim I of Astrakhan 1471–1481 [gb]
- ʿAbd al-Karīm of the Golden Horde 1481–1491; of Astrakhan 1481–1485, 1491–1493, 1494–1514 [gc]
- Jānī-Beg of Astrakhan 1514–1521 [ge]
- Ḥusayn of Astrakhan 1521–1523, 1523–1526 [gf]
- Aḥmad of the Golden Horde 1459–1481 [gg]
- Sayyid-Aḥmad III of the Golden Horde 1481–1491 [gh]
- Murtaḍā of the Golden Horde 1481–1494; of Astrakhan 1485–1491, 1493–1494 (d. 1499) [gk]
- Āq-Kibak of Astrakhan 1532–1533, 1545–1546, 1547–1550 [gl]
- ʿAbdallāh
- Muṣṭafā-ʿAlī of Kasimov 1573–1583 [gm]
- Bīrdī-Beg
- Shaykh-Aḥmad of the Golden Horde 1491–1502; of Astrakhan 1527–1528 [go]
- Sayyid-Maḥmūd of the Golden Horde 1491–1502 [gr]
- Bahādur [gs]
- Bakhtiyār-Sulṭān [gu]
- Shaykh-Awliyār of Kasimov 1512–1516 [gv]
- Shāh-ʿAlī of Kasimov 1516–1519, 1537–1567; of Kazan 1519–1521, 1546, 1551–1552 [gw]
- Jān-ʿAlī of Kasimov 1519–1532; of Kazan 1531–1533 (d. 1535) [gx]
- Yaʿqūb of Khwarazm 1461–1462 [gy]
- Jawāq (Chuwāq) of Khwarazm 1462 [gz]
- Māngishlāq [ha]
- Yār-Muḥammad 1st Ashtarkhanid khan of Bukhara 1599–1600 (d. 1612) [hb]
- Jānī-Muḥammad (or Jānī-Beg) of Bukhara 1600–1603 [hc]
- Bāqī-Muḥammad of Bukhara 1603–1606 [hd]
- Walī-Muḥammad of Bukhara 1606–1611, 1611 [he]
- Rustam-Muḥammad rival at Balkh 1613 (d. after 1641) [hf]
- Muḥammad-Raḥīm [hg]
- ʿAbd-Allāh of Balkh 1711–1712 [hh]
- Sanjar of Balkh 1712–1717 [hi]
- Muḥammad-Ṭāhir, 41st khan of Khwarazm 1739–1740 (d. 1742) [hj]
- Walī-Muḥammad
- Muḥammad of Balkh 1717–1720 [hk]
- Dīn-Muḥammad [hl]
- Imām-Qulī of Bukhara 1611, 1611–1641 (d. 1642) [hm]
- Nadhr-Muḥammad of Bukhara 1641–1645 (d. 1651) [hn]
- ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz of Bukhara 1645–1681 (d. 1684) [ho]
- Subḥān-Qulī of Bukhara 1681–1702 [hp]
- ʿUbaydallāh I of Bukhara 1702–1711 [hq]
- Abu'l-Fayḍ of Bukhara 1711–1747 [hr]
- ʿAbd al-Muʾmin of Bukhara 1747–1750 [hs]
- ʿUbaydallāh II of Bukhara 1750–1753 (adopted; biological son of Shāh-Tīmūr of Khwarazm)
- (Khānim) married Muḥammad-Ḥājjī-Sulṭān
- Abu'l-Ghāzī of Bukhara 1758–1789; Khiva 1767–1768 (d. 1796) [ht]
- Iskandar of Balkh 1681–1683 [hu]
- Muḥammad-Muqīm of Balkh 1697–1707 [hv]
- Abu'l-Manṣūr of Balkh 1683 [hw]
- Ṣaddīq-Muḥammad of Balkh 1683–1686 [hx]
- Tursūn-Muḥammad [hy]
- Muḥammad-Ibrāhīm possibly the ruler of Balkh in 1601 [hz]
- Qutlū-Beg
- Shādī-Beg of the Golden Horde 1399–1407 [ia]
- Ghiyāth ad-Dīn II of the Golden Horde 1421, 1423–1426 [ib]
- Muṣṭafā claimant at Astrakhan 1431–1433; in the Ulus of Orda 1440–1446; of Khwarazm 1447–1464 [ic]
- Mīnkāsar
- ʿAbdallāh of the Golden Horde 1361–1370 [id]
- Tughluq-Khwāja
- Tawakkul = Tūlāk of the Golden Horde 1379–1380 [if]
- Āqmīl
- Chekre khan of Sibir and Bolghar 1413, of the Golden Horde 1415–1416 [ig]
- Mamkī
- Sayyid-Aḥmad I of the Golden Horde 1416 (disputed identification) [ih]
- Altī-Qurtuqā
An annotated genealogical list of the known reigning descendants of Tuqa-Timur, son of Jochi, son of Genghis Khan. The list includes khans and rival khans, as well as the princes through whom the line of descent passed. The main sources for the Medieval and Early Modern generations are the major genealogical compendium Muʿizz al-ansāb and the Tawārīḫ-i guzīdah-i nuṣrat-nāmah, supplemented by other sources and secondary literature. For consistency, the names are given in the standard scholarly transcription used in English-language scholarship (e.g., Bosworth 1996) for Perso-Arabic sources such as these.
- Bennigsen, A., et al., Le Khanat de Crimée dans les Archives du Musée de Palais de Topkapı, Paris, 1978.
- Bosworth, C. E., The New Islamic Dynasties, New York, 1996.
- Bregel, Y. (transl.), Firdaws al-Iqbāl: History of Khorezm by Shir Muhammad Mirab Munis and Muhammad Riza Mirab Agahi, Leiden, 1999.
- Burton, A., The Bukharans: A Dynastic, Diplomatic and Commercial History 1550–1702, Richmond, 1997
- Desmaisons, P. I. (transl.), Histoire des Mongols et des Tatares par Aboul-Ghâzi Béhâdour Khân, St Petersburg, 1871–1874.
- Gaev, A. G., "Genealogija i hronologija Džučidov," Numizmatičeskij sbornik 3 (2002) 9-55.
- Howorth, H. H., History of the Mongols from the 9th to the 19th Century. Part II.1. London, 1880.
- Jackson, P., The Mongols and the Islamic World, New Haven, 2017.
- Judin, V. P., Materialy po istorii kazahskih hanstv XV-XVIII vekov, Alma Ata, 1969.
- Judin, V. P., Utemiš-hadži, Čingiz-name, Alma-Ata, 1992.
- May, T., The Mongol Empire, Edinburgh, 2018.
- Počekaev, R. J., Cari ordynskie: Biografii hanov i pravitelej Zolotoj Ordy. Saint Petersburg, 2010.
- Sabitov, Ž. M., Genealogija "Tore", Astana, 2008.
- Sabitov, Ž. M., "K voporosu o genealogii zolotoordynskogo hana Bek-Sufi," in Krim: vìd antičnostì do s'ogodennja, Kiev, 2014: 63-74.
- Sagdeeva, R. Z., Serebrjannye monety hanov Zolotoj Ordy, Moscow, 2005.
- Seleznëv, J. V., Èlita Zolotoj Ordy, Kazan', 2009.
- Sidorneko, V. A., Monetnaja čekanka Krymskogo hanstva (1442–1475 gg.), Simferopol', 2016.
- Stokvis, A. M. H. J., Manuel d'Histoire, de Généalogie et de Chronologie de tous les États du Globe, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours, vol. 1, Leiden, 1888.
- Tizengauzen, V. G. (trans.), Sbornik materialov, otnosjaščihsja k istorii Zolotoj Ordy. Izvlečenija iz arabskih sočinenii, republished as Istorija Kazahstana v arabskih istočnikah. 1. Almaty, 2005.
- Tizengauzen, V. G. (trans.), Sbornik materialov otnosjaščihsja k istorii Zolotoj Ordy. Izvlečenija iz persidskih sočinenii, republished as Istorija Kazahstana v persidskih istočnikah. 4. Almaty, 2006.
- Vásáry, I., "The beginnings of coinage in the Blue Horde," Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 62 (2009) 371-385.
- Vohidov, Š. H. (trans.), Istorija Kazahstana v persidskih istočnikah. 3. Muʿizz al-ansāb. Almaty, 2006.
- Welsford, T., Four Types of Loyalty in Early Modern Central Asia: The Tūqūy-Tīmūrid Takeover of Greater Mā Warā al-Nahr, 1598-1605, Leiden, 2013.
Počekaev 2010: 372 conflates him with his brother Bāyān and gives their descendants jointly.
Gaev 2002: 52; Sabitov 2008: 286; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Gaev 2002: 53; Sabitov 2008: 286.
Gaev 2002: 52; Sabitov 2008: 286.
Gaev 2002: 53; Vásáry 2009; correcting the long-held view that this khan was a descendant of Orda Khan, as in, e.g., Howorth 1880: 221 and Stokvis 1888: Chapter 9 Table 7.
Počekaev 2010: 372 conflates him with his brother Bāy-Timur and gives their descendants jointly.
Gaev 2002: 53; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Identification preferred by Sabitov 2008: 288, 295, and Sabitov 2014, but rejected by others (e.g., Parunin 2016, Sidorenko 2016) on chronological grounds.
Sabitov 2014, noting this Sayyid-Aḥmad's patronym Beksubovič in Polish-Lithuanian sources. Počekaev 2010: 205, identifies this Sayyid-Aḥmad as the son of Karīm-Bīrdī.
Welsford 2013: 50, 52-53, identifies Ūz-Tīmūr with his brother Kay-Tīmūr.
Welsford 2013: 53, gives the name as Bādābūk.
Gaev 2002: 53; Sabitov 2008: 286; Počekaev 2010: 372; correcting the long-held view that this khan was a descendant of Orda Khan, as in, e.g., Howorth 1880: 221 and Stokvis 1888: Chapter 9 Table 7.
Gaev 2002: 53; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 224; Gaev 2002: 53; Sabitov 2008: 286; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Gaev 2002: 53; Sabitov 2008: 305; Počekaev 2010: 372; Howorth 1880: 685 and Stokvis 1888: Chapter 9 Table 7, erroneously make him a son of Barāq.
Howorth 1880: 685; Gaev 2002: 53; Sabitov 2008: 305.
Howorth 1880: 224; Gaev 2002: 53; Sabitov 2008: 286; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 291; Gaev 2002: 53; Sabitov 2008: 287; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 685; Gaev 2002: 53; Sabitov 2008: 305; Počekaev 2010: 372. For fuller treatment of his descendants, the Kazakh khans and princes, see Sabitov 2008.
Howorth 1880: 685; Sabitov 2008: 305.
Howorth 1880: 685; Sabitov 2008: 305.
Sabitov 2008: 305; Howorth 1880: 685 and Stokvis 1888: Chapter 9 Table 7, erroneously make him a son of Adīk.
Howorth 1880: 685; Sabitov 2008: 305.
Howorth 1880: 685; Sabitov 2008: 310.
Howorth 1880: 685; Sabitov 2008: 310.
Howorth 1880: 685; Sabitov 2008: 310.
Howorth 1880: 685; Sabitov 2008: 310.
Howorth 1880: 685; Sabitov 2008: 311.
Howorth 1880: 685; Sabitov 2008: 311.
Howorth 1880: 685; Sabitov 2008: 311.
Howorth 1880: 685; Sabitov 2008: 310.
Howorth 1880: 685; Sabitov 2008: 310.
Howorth 1880: 685; Sabitov 2008: 310.
Sabitov 2008: 310; Howorth 1880: 685 and Stokvis 1888: Chapter 9 Table 7, erroneously make him a son of Aychuwāq.
Howorth 1880: 685; Sabitov 2008: 307, 309.
Howorth 1880: 685; Sabitov 2008: 309.
Sabitov 2008: 309; omitted by Howorth 1880: 685 and Stokvis 1888: Chapter 9 Table 7.
Howorth 1880: 685; Sabitov 2008: 309.
Howorth 1880: 685; Sabitov 2008: 309.
Howorth 1880: 685; Sabitov 2008: 309.
Howorth 1880: 685; Sabitov 2008: 309.
Sabitov 2008: 145, but at 97-98 identified as a Shibanid, descended from the khans of Sibir.
Howorth 1880: 685; Sabitov 2008: 309.
Howorth 1880: 685; Sabitov 2008: 200, 309.
Howorth 1880: 225; Gaev 2002: 53; Počekaev 2010: 372; Welsford 2013: 53, makes him the son of Tūluk-Tīmūr, here given as his brother; correcting the long-held view that this khan was a descendant of Orda Khan, as in, e.g., Stokvis 1888: Chapter 9 Table 7.
Howorth 1880: 226; Gaev 2002: 53; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 269; Gaev 2002: 53; Sabitov 2008: 287; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Proposed by Sidorenko 2016: 66.
Sabitov 2014, noting this Sayyid-Aḥmad's patronym Beksubovič in Polish-Lithuanian sources; Počekaev 2010: 205, identifies this Sayyid-Aḥmad as the son of Karīm-Bīrdī.
Howorth 1880: 270; Gaev 2002: 53; Sabitov 2008: 287; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Preferred by Sabitov 2008: 56, 295; Počekaev 2010: 205, identifies this Sayyid-Aḥmad with Sayyid-Aḥmad II, who ruled in 1432–1452 (but the latter bears the patronym Beksubovič: Sabitov 2014), while making the Sayyid-Aḥmad of 1416 the son of Mamkī: Počekaev 2010: 194.
Howorth 1880: 270; Gaev 2002: 53; Sabitov 2008: 287; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 270; Gaev 2002: 53; Sabitov 2008: 287; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 274; Gaev 2002: 53; Sabitov 2008: 287; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Gaev 2002: 54; Počekaev 2010: 372; Welsford 2013: 53, gives the name as Habīnah.
Gaev 2002: 54; Sabitov 2008: 286, 295; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Gaev 2002: 54; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Gaev 2002: 54; Sabitov 2008: 296; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Gaev 2002: 53; Sabitov 2008: 296.
Howorth 1880: 452; Gaev 2002: 54; Sabitov 2008: 292, 296; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 452; Gaev 2002: 54; Sabitov 2008: 296; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 468; Sabitov 2008: 296; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 477; Sabitov 2008: 296.
Howorth 1880: 477; Sabitov 2008: 296; Počekaev 2010: 372.
oworth 1880: 477; Sabitov 2008: 294, 296.
Howorth 1880: 477; Sabitov 2008: 292, 296.
Sabitov 2008: 292, who refers to him as Fatḥ Girāy.
Howorth 1880: 488; Sabitov 2008: 296.
Howorth 1880: 512; Sabitov 2008: 296.
Sabitov 2008: 297; erroneously, Howorth 1880: 540, conflates him with Muḥammad Girāy II, while Stokvis 1888: chapter 9, table 7, makes him Muḥammad Girāy II's son.
Howorth 1880: 519; Sabitov 2008: 296.
Howorth 1880: 523; Sabitov 2008: 297.
Howorth 1880: 538; Sabitov 2008: 297.
Howorth 1880: 543; Sabitov 2008: 297.
Howorth 1880: 528; Sabitov 2008: 297.
Howorth 1880: 538; Sabitov 2008: 297.
Howorth 1880: 545; Sabitov 2008: 297.
Howorth 1880: 559; Sabitov 2008: 297.
Howorth 1880: 568; Sabitov 2008: 297.
Howorth 1880: 579; Sabitov 2008: 298.
Howorth 1880: 585; Sabitov 2008: 298.
Howorth 1880: 582; Sabitov 2008: 298.
Howorth 1880: 584; Sabitov 2008: 298.
Howorth 1880: 597; Sabitov 2008: 298.
Howorth 1880: 597; Sabitov 2008: 298.
Howorth 1880: 571; Sabitov 2008: 297.
Howorth 1880: 571; Sabitov 2008: 298.
Howorth 1880: 595; Sabitov 2008: 298.
Howorth 1880: 575; Sabitov 2008: 298.
Howorth 1880: 576; Sabitov 2008: 298.
Howorth 1880: 585; Sabitov 2008: 298.
Howorth 1880: 546; Sabitov 2008: 297.
Howorth 1880: 547; Sabitov 2008: 297.
Howorth 1880: 562; Sabitov 2008: 297.
Howorth 1880: 563; Sabitov 2008: 297.
Howorth 1880: 565; Sabitov 2008: 297.
Howorth 1880: 565; Sabitov 2008: 297.
Sabitov 2008: 298; Howorth 1880: 558, doubts this descent.
Howorth 1880: 575; Sabitov 2008: 298.
Howorth 1880: 538; Sabitov 2008: 297.
Proposed by Parunin 2016: 159-168.
Sabitov 2014, noting this Sayyid-Aḥmad's patronym Beksubovič in Polish-Lithuanian sources; Počekaev 2010: 205, identifies this Sayyid-Aḥmad as the son of Karīm-Bīrdī.
Gaev 2002: 54; Sabitov 2008: 288, 295; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Gaev 2002: 54; Sabitov 2008: 288; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Gaev 2002: 54; Sabitov 2008: 291, 295; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Gaev 2002: 54; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 447; Gaev 2002: 54; Sabitov 2008: 291.
Howorth 1880: 447; Gaev 2002: 54; Sabitov 2008: 291; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 447; Gaev 2002: 54; Sabitov 2008: 292; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 447; Gaev 2002: 54; Sabitov 2008: 292; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 447; Gaev 2002: 54; Sabitov 2008: 292; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 447; Gaev 2002: 54; Sabitov 2008: 292; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 447; Sabitov 2008: 292; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 447; Gaev 2002: 54; Sabitov 2008: 292.
Welsford 2013: 53, gives the name as Tumghān.
Gaev 2002: 54; Sabitov 2008: 286; Počekaev 2010: 372; Howorth 1880: 259 and Stokvis 1888: chapter 9 table 7 make him erroneously son of Urus' son Tīmūr-Malik.
Gaev 2002: 54; Sabitov 2008: 286; Počekaev 2010: 372; Howorth 1880: 259 and Stokvis 1888: chapter 9 table 7 make him erroneously son of Urus' son Tīmūr-Malik.
Gaev 2002: 54; Sabitov 2008: 286; Počekaev 2010: 372; Howorth 1880: 265-266 and Stokvis 1888: chapter 9 table 7 make him erroneously a brother of Shādī-Beg.
Gaev 2002: 54; Sabitov 2008: 286; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Gaev 2002: 55; Sabitov 2008: 288, 295; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 362; Gaev 2002: 55; Sabitov 2008: 288; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 362; Gaev 2002: 55; Sabitov 2008: 293; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 362; Sabitov 2008: 294; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 362; Sabitov 2008: 294.
Howorth 1880: 362; Gaev 2002: 55; Sabitov 2008: 294; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 362; Sabitov 2008: 294.
Howorth 1880: 362; Gaev 2002: 55; Sabitov 2008: 288; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 362; Gaev 2002: 55; Sabitov 2008: 288; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 362; Sabitov 2008: 294.
Howorth 1880: 362; Sabitov 2008: 292.
Howorth 1880: 362; Gaev 2002: 55; Sabitov 2008: 288; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 362; Sabitov 2008: 294.
Howorth 1880: 362; Sabitov 2008: 294.
Howorth 1880: 362; Gaev 2002: 55; Sabitov 2008: 288; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 362; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Gaev 2002: 54; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 362; Sabitov 2008: 289, 293.
Howorth 1880: 362; Sabitov 2008: 293.
Gaev 2002: 54; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Howorth 1880: 743; Gaev 2002: 55; Welsford 2013: 50; Sabitov 2008: 300 makes Jawāq the son of his brother Yaʿqūb.
Howorth 1880: 743-744; Gaev 2002: 55; Sabitov 2008: 300; Welsford 2013: 50.
Howorth 1880: 744; Gaev 2002: 55; Welsford 2013: 50.
Howorth 1880: 744; Sabitov 2008: 300; Welsford 2013: 50.
Howorth 1880: 744; Sabitov 2008: 300.
Howorth 1880: 744; Sabitov 2008: 300.
Desmaisons 1871–1874: Table 1b; Howorth 1880: 747.
Desmaisons 1871–1874: Table 1b.
Howorth 1880: 744; Sabitov 2008: 302.
Howorth 1880: 744; Sabitov 2008: 300.
Howorth 1880: 744; Sabitov 2008: 300.
Howorth 1880: 751; Sabitov 2008: 301.
Howorth 1880: 755; Sabitov 2008: 301.
Howorth 1880: 760; Sabitov 2008: 301.
Howorth 1880: 762; Sabitov 2008: 301.
Howorth 1880: 765; Sabitov 2008: 301.
Howorth 1880: 744; Sabitov 2008: 301.
Howorth 1880: 744; Sabitov 2008: 301.
Gaev 2002: 54; Sabitov 2008: 286; Počekaev 2010: 372; Howorth 1880: 263 and Stokvis 1888: chapter 9 table 7 make him erroneously son of Urus' son Tīmūr-Malik.
Gaev 2002: 54; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Gaev 2002: 54; Sabitov 2008: 288.
As proposed by Gaev 2002: 54.
Gaev 2002: 55; Sabitov 2008: 287; Počekaev 2010: 372.
Preferred by Počekaev 2010: 194, 372.
Gaev 2002: 55; Sabitov 2008: 287; Počekaev 2010: 372.