Teatre Principal (Barcelona) Teatre Romea Teatre Tivoli Teatre Victòria Teatreneu Versus Teatre Villarroel Teatre Festival Grec de Barcelona Artenbrut Teatre
Victoria TeatroRomea (Madrid) Teatro Valle-Inclán Teatro Variedades de Madrid Teatro de la Zarzuela Teatro Albéniz Teatro Real Teatro Alcázar Teatro de la
well. From 1999 to 2011, Bieito was Artistic Director of the Teatre Romea in Barcelona and from 2010 to 2012, Guest Director of the International Arts Festival
Domènech Reixach. Teatre Romea, Barcelona 1993 – "La guàrdia blanca", by Mikhaïl Bulgàkov. Dir. Pavel Khomsky. Teatre Romea, Barcelona 1993 – "Roberto Zucco"