Waṇetsi (Waneci: وڼېڅي), commonly called Tarīno (Waneci: ترينو), and sometimes Tsalgari (Waneci: څلګري), is a distinct variety of Pashto and is considered by some to be a different language. In some cases, Wanetsi shares similarities with the Pamir language of Munji, being a sort of bridge between the former and Pashto.[2] It is perhaps a representation of a more archaic, or very early, form of Pashto.[3]

Quick Facts Native to, Region ...

It is spoken by the Tareen, Mashwani and other Pashtun tribes in Balochistan, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, primarily in Harnai (هرنای) (Harnai District) and Chawter (چوتېر) area in Sanjawi, Northern Balochistan, Pakistan.[2] The language is at risk due to lack of attention and not liking it as a language by foreigners.[4]


Professor Prods Oktor Skjærvø states:[5]

"The Pashto area split into two dialect groups at a pre-literary period, represented today on the one hand by all the dialects of modern Pashto and on the other by Waṇeci and by archaic remains in other Southeast dialects"

page 386

According to Encyclopædia Iranica Waṇetsi branched off from the other Pashto dialects in the Middle Iranian stage:[6]

Some of Waṇetsi's particularities (e.g. šwī “twenty,” mōš “we,” [a]γa “of;” the pres. endings; retention of rž; loss of -t-) prove that it must have split off from Paṣ̌to at an early Middle Iranic stage, considerably before the constitution of a standard Paṣ̌to. They can scarcely have developed after the arrival of the Waṇetsi speakers in their present home, which is in no way topographically cut off from the rest of Paṣ̌to territory. These speakers must rather represent the forerunners of the main Paṣ̌tūn movement towards the east, but when and where they split off is at present impossible to say.

Section F.


ترين او ترينو

The first known linguistic research was conducted in 1929 by Georg Morgenstierne on Waṇetsi.[7] Since then linguists like Josef Elfenbein have worked and researched on this archaic Pashto dialect.[8][9][10] In his book, Syed Khair Muhammad Arif, "Tarin aw Tarīno" has also included a small dictionary of Waṇetsi.[11] ٙBut much work remains to be done on understanding Waṇetsi.[12]


The Waṇetsi Poet Nizamuddin Nizami Tarin, a Spin Tarin from Chawter, has also compiled poetry in the language. An excerpt from his poem in Waṇetsi:


The singer Khayam Tareen (خيام ترين) has also sung songs in Waṇetsi.[4]



  • Waṇetsi has [ʃ] and [ʒ] for Pashto ښ and ږ, respectively.[13]
  • څ does not merge with [s] but can be pronounced as [t͡s] and ځ does not merge with [z] but can be pronounced as [d͡z].[14]
  • [h] is dropable in Waṇetsi e.g. هغه becomes اغه[13]


More information Front, Central ...
  • Josef Elfenbein states: "ī and ū are not phonemically distinct from i and u respectively, and are pronounced [i] and [u] respectively when unstressed (and not [ɪ] and [ʊ] as in Kākaṛī), and [] and [] when stressed."[15]
  • There is a marked spontaneous tendency to palatalize "ī" as "yī" and "ē" as "yē"; and to labialize "ū" as "wū" and "ō" as "wo". Initial delabialization is common in "wū" as "ū" and "wō" as "ō".[14]
  • The stressed short "á" is often lengthened, and an unstressed long "ā" shortened.[14]
  • The standard weakening of final vowels in Waṇetsi makes the masculine-feminine gender distinction much less audible: [ə] and [a] are not phonemically distinct when unstressed in any position. But stressed final ә́ is kept apart from stressed á as in general Pashto.[14]


Waṇetsi also has vowel nasalisation which is transcribed as / ̃/ or ں in the Pashto alphabet.



Like Pashto, verbs have final stress in the imperfective aspect and initial stress in the perfective aspect.

More information Imperfective (mostly Final Stress), Meaning ...

(mostly Final Stress)

Meaning Perfective

(Initial Stress)



I was sitting چينستي


I sat down


More information Examples, Waṇetsi ...
WaṇetsiSoutheastern Pashto Translation


زې چينستي خو اغه راغيا زه کښېناستم خو هغه راغلهI was sitting [or about to sit] that she came
ze čīnastī́ xo áğa rā́ğyā zə kšenāstə́m xo hağá rā́ğla


زې چينستي زه کښېناستم I sat
ze čī́nasti zə kšénāstəm


Stress can also change the meaning of words, as in Pashto.


More information Word, IPA: following general stress pattern [penultimate syllable] ...
Word IPA: following general stress pattern [penultimate syllable] Meaning 1 IPA: following exception stress pattern Meaning 2
جوړه /ˈd͡ʒoː.ɽa/ well/healthy [feminine];


/d͡ʒoː.ˈɽa/ a pair
Transliteration jṓṛa jōṛá


Tarīno is subdivided into the Harnāi variety and the Chawter variety.

Grammatical comparison with general Pashto



The possessive postposition غه is used instead of د[16]

More information Waṇetsi, General Pashto ...
WaṇetsiGeneral PashtoTranslation






More information Waṇetsi, Southeastern ...
Sentence [2] اندي وګړي چي موش پيار غه څټ لېژدي وي په دې کلي کې زموږ د پلار ډېر غويان ووIn this village our father had many bulls.
indī́ wagaṛī́ čī moš pyār ğa tsaṭ leždī́ wī pə de kə́li ke zmuž də plār ḍer ğwayā́n wu

Idiomatic Expression

Tareeno also varies from Pashto in idiomatic expression.


نهير1 /nahī́r/ “thought” - used with the verb to hit

More information Tareeno, Southeastern Pashto ...
Tareeno Southeastern Pashto Meaning
ته دا نهير وله ته داسې سوچ وکړه Think like this
tə dā nahīr wū́la
you this thought hit [imperative] you like-this thought do [imperative]

Verbal Suffixes

First Person Suffix

The first person verbal suffixes also change:

More information Waṇetsi, Pashto ...
WaṇetsiPashtoTranslation Change noted
زې کي

ze ki

زه کوم

zә kawә́m

I do م ← ي

i ←әm

زې وايي

ze wāyi

زه وايم

zә wāyә́m

I say

Second Person Suffix

Some verbal suffixes like the feminine third person suffix [ه and ې] are the same:

More information Waṇetsi, Pashto ...




She went




They [females] went

Third Person Suffix

Past Suffix

Like standard Pashto the third person suffix for verbs with the root وتل the third person past suffix is different for the singular and plural.

More information Waṇetsi, Meaning ...
WaṇetsiMeaning Standard
دغه سړا وته چووت

dága saṛá watə čə́wot

that man entered it دغه سړی ور ته ننووت

dága saṛáy war tə nə́nawot

دغه سړي وته چواته

dága saṛí watə čə́wātə

those men entered it دغه سړی ور ته ننواته

dága saṛí war tə nə́nātə


Comparison with general Pashto


The following is provided by Zamir Gulbahar (ظمير ګلبهار), a Tareeno poet from Harnai:

More information Waṇetsi, Pashto ...

Lexical Comparison

The following list has been provided by the Waṇetsi poet Nizamuddin Nizami

More information Waṇetsi Pashto, Southeastern Pashto ...
Waṇetsi PashtoSoutheastern Pashto Meaning
تره ژمي taražmī́ ترژومۍ the time of the evening where the darkness has not been fully come;

the night where the moon is hidden

غوبله ğūblə́ قبله Kiblah
لهه láha شېله a watercourse in which rain water flows

and ultimately joins a river

لهړ laháṛ مانده weak; tired
ژله žə́la ږغل sludge, gravel
کولي kūlí کوډل shack
پرڅله partsála برنډه veranda
ګوګ gōg روشندان roshandan; combined skylight and ventilating window.
ارغولا arğōlá لنګر kitchen
غوله ğṓla صحن patio
اربوی orbṓy هوېلي haveli
درګه dárga دروازه/وړ door
لېښت lešt لښته stick
کاوي kā́wi لوښي dishes
غاب ğāb ټولګي plate
منګوټا mangōṭá کټو cooking pot
چمچره čimčarə́ کشهغه spoon
کړېڅي kṛetsí د لرګي چمچي a wooden spon
شپې تنا špe tə̃ná د شپې ځای the place for the night
رېبون rebún قميص shirt
بخڅه buxtsə́ بوتوه purse
لاس وينځونه lās winzū́na واشبېسن, سلمچي washbasin
ګوډي guḍī́ غړک the handle for the press used to make buttermilk
بدني badnī́ لوټه a small jug/bucket
دنګ dang بوتل bottle
مېژوا mežwá مېژوی peg; tethering post; tied on a horse
خولبزه xōlbáza سرپوښ lid, dish cover
لېڅکي letskí پرړه rope
تبخا tabxá ټګونه a flat pan
منګا mangá منګی earthenware waterpot
رنګلون ranglū́n د رنګ لوټه a container for colour
وړکې waṛáke وړۍ wool
پوړدګ pōrdág پرتوګ pant
پاخلې pā́xle پایڅې the openings of a pant near the ankle; cuffs/hems
پټکا paṭká پټکی turban
ییر yayə́r راشن ration
غوړنه ğwaṛə́na کتنپلاوی overseer/oversight
توڼه tū́ṇa بازار market

Sentence Comparison

Sample 1

The following examples have been provided by Nizamuddin Nizami

More information Sample 1, Sentence No. [for corresponding audio] ...
Sample 1
Sentence No.

[for corresponding audio]


[Southeastern Pashto accent]

1 خور کور مې اغه توني ته نزدې ده د خور کور مې هغې ځای ته نژدې دیMy sister's house is near to that place
xūr kōr me áğa tūni tə nizdé da də xor kor me háğe dzāy tə niždé day
2 زې اوبه غوزي زه اوبه څښم I am drinking water
ze obə́ ğozí zə obə́ čšə́m
3 موش څه غندم وکورو بیار بې وته درمو موږ چې غنم وکرو نو بيا به ورځو Once we plant the wheat, then we will go [to them]
moš tsə ğandə́m wə́ kōru byār be watə dramū́ muž če ğanə́m wə́ karu no byā ba war dzú
4 ته غره یې کوز سه بیار به دې وسره خبرې وکي ته د غرۀ نه راکوشه نو بيا به در سره خبررې وکړم You come down from the mountain, then i will talk to you
tə ğrə ye kū́z sa byār bə de wasará xabə́re wə́ kī tə də ğrə na rā́kuša no byā bə dar sará xabə́re wə́ kṛam
5 آ چوره دې لونډه خوره هغه نجلۍ ډوډۍ خوري That girl over there is eating food
ā čwára de lū́nḍa xwrə́ háğa njalə́i ḍoḍə́i xwri
6 ما لوشي واخسته ما جامې واغستې I wore clothes
mā lōší wā́xstə mā jāmé wāğaste
7 ته بي ښار ته ویاړې ته بل ښار ته لاړې You went to anothercity
tə bi šār tə wyā́ṛe tə bəl šār tə lā́ṛe
8 زمي چي دلته واوره ورېده ژمي کې دلته واوره ورېده In winter it was snowing here
zə́mi či də́lta wā́wra waredá žə́mi ke də́lta wā́wra waredá
9 مور یې مچنې ډلي مور يې مېچنې ګرځولې His/her/there mother was working the hand-mills
mor ye mečə́ne ḍalī́ mor ye mečə́ne gardzawlé
10 ما واده چي لبه که زه ګډېدم په وادۀ کې I was dancing in the wedding
mā wādə́ či lába ká zə gaḍedə́m pə wādə́ ke
11 ته بډا سوې ته بوډه شوې You have become old
tə buḍā́ swe tə budá šwe
12 اغه ښځې اندي توني يه اورته ویاړه هغه ښځه دې ځاي نه هلته لاړه That woman went from this place to therere
áğa šə́dze indī́ tūní ya ortá wyā́ṛa háğa šə́dza de dzáyi na hálta lā́ṛa

Sample 2

The following examples have been provided by Nizamuddin Nizami

More information Sample 2, Sentence No. [fore corresponding audio] ...
Sample 2
Sentence No.

[fore corresponding audio]


[Southeastern Pashto accent]

1 کاډي وچلوه ګاډی وچلوهDrive the car
gā́di wə́ čalawa gā́day wə́ čalawa
2 ته اورته مه درمه ته هاغې خوا ته مه ځه Don't go to that side [over there]
tə ortá mə́ dramá tə háğe x̌wā tə mə́ dza
3 اور بلو ده که مړ اور بل دی که مړ Is the fire alight/burning or extinguished
awə́r baláw da kə maṛ or bal day kə maṛ
4 اغه خلک دې ارغولي اوره مندې کاوي چینه وین هغوی خلک د نغري په اور لوښي اېږدي Those people keep dishware on hearth's fire
áğa xalák de arğōlí awrə́ məndé kā́wi čīna wī́n hağúi xalák də nağarí pə or lóši iždí
5 درګه بند نه وي نو دغه سړا وته چوت ور بند نه و نو دغه سړی پې ور ننوت The door was not closed so the man entered [through it]
dárga band nə́ wi no dáğa saṛá watə čəwṓt war band nə wə no dáğa saṛáy pe war nənawát
6 اس پرېووت اس پرېووت The horse feel
as préwōt as préwot
7 څوړي لا وړې دي او نهړې دي داګایه دې نه سین الوتا مرغۍ لا وړې او کمزورې دي ځکه نه شي اوتلې The birds are yet small and weak they cannot fly
tsū́ṛi lā waṛé di aw nahṛé di dāgā́ya de nə́ sīn alwatā marğə́i lā waṛé aw kamzóre di dzə́ka nə ši alwatə́le
8 ونه دې پرې که ده ونه دې پرې کړې ده Have you cut the tree

/ You have cut the tree

wə́na de pré ka da wə́na de pré kaṛe da
9 اغه مځکې یه غندم ورېبه هغې ځمکې نه غنم ورېبه Reap wheat from that land
ága mdzə́ke ya ğandə́m wə́ reba háğe dzmə́ke na ğanə́m wə́ reba
10 څه ووړه تېر سه نو بې اسپې تا مندې خرڅې کي اوړي تېر شي نو اسپې به در باندې خرڅوم Let the summer pass then I will sell the horse on you
tsə wōṛá ter sa no be áspe tā mənde xartse kí óri ter ši no áspe bə dar bā́nde xartsawə́m
11 تا کور کم وګړي چي ده ستا کور کوم کلي کې دی In which village is your house
tā kor kam wagaṛī́ či da stā kor kom kə́li ke day
12 دا چوره څو کالو غه ده دا نجلۍ د څو کالو ده How old is this girl
dā čwára tso kā́lo ğa da dā njlə́i də tso kā́lo da

Sample 3

The following examples have been provided by Nizamuddin Nizami

More information Sentence No. [fore corresponding audio], Waṇetsi ...
Sentence No.

[fore corresponding audio]


[Southeastern Pashto accent]

1 ته چرې یې ته چېرته يېWhere are you
tə čáre ye tə čérta ye
2 دغه خوا یه راغا دغې خوا نه راغی He came from that direction
dága xwā ya rā́ğā dáğe xwā na rā́ğay
3 که تاس ویو او موش ویو نو بې هېڅ نه سین که تاسو يئ او موږ يو نو هيڅ به نه کېږي If you are there and we are there nothing will happen
kə tās wyō aw moš wyū no be hets nə sī́n kə tā́so yəi aw muž yu no hits bə nə kéži
4 میر ما مخ ته ده لمر زما مخې ته دی The sun is to my front
mīr mā məx tə da lmar zmā mə́xe tə day
5 اغه چوره څه لویه سین نو اله بې وته واک سپاري هغه هلک چې لوی شي نو هله به ورته دا واک سپارم When that boy grows up then I will entrust with this authority
áğa čorá tsə lōyá sīn no ála be watə wāk spāri háğa halə́k če loy ši no hála bə war tə dā wāk spārə́m
6 دا دریاب چي پارند بېړي ډبه سوه په دې سيند کې پرون بېړۍ ډوبه شوه In this river, yesterday a ship sank
dā daryā́b či pārə́nd beṛi ḍə́ba swa pə de sind ke parún beṛə́i ḍúba šwa
7 سېبه درختو چي پیخه سو مڼې په ونو کې پخې شوې The apples ripened in the trees
sebə́ dəraxtó či pīxə́ su maṇé pə wə́no ke paxé šwe
8 سېبه دې درختو چي پیخه سین مڼې په ونې کې پخېږي The apples are ripening in the trees
sebə́ de dəraxtó či pīxə sī́n maṇé pə wə́ne ke paxéži
9 زې لا اورته نه یي ید څه ویاړسي تا ته بې اوایي زه لا هلته نه يم تللی چې لاړشم تا ته به وويم I have not gone there yet when I go I will tell you
ze lā ortá nə yi yad tsə wyāṛsī́ tā tə be uwayī́ za lā hálta nə yam tlə́lay če lā́ṛšam tā tə bə wə́ wayəm
10 سترګې ېې شنې دي سترګې ېې شنې دي His/her eyes are green
stə́rge ye šne dī stə́rge ye šne di
11 تر یه دوه درې څلورو پورې دې خالي ویا سي تر يو دوه درې څلور پورې تش ویلی شم I cam only say till one two three
tər yə duə dre tsalór póre de xālí wayā́ si tər yaw dwa dre tsalór póre taš wayə́lay šam
12 دا کپړه سره او کربي ده دا کپړه سره او ښکلې ده This cloth is red and beautiful
dā kapṛá sra aw kə́rbī da dā kapṛá sra aw škʊ́le da

Sample 4

The following examples have been provided by Nizamuddin Nizami

More information Sentence No. [fore corresponding audio], Waṇetsi ...
Sentence No.

[fore corresponding audio]


[Southeastern Pashto accent]

1 میر دې دو ګوتو پورې نس پټ لمر په دوو ګوتو نه پټېږيThe sun does not hide by two fingers [a matal]
mīr de dwū/dū gwə́to pṓre nə́s paṭ lmar dwo gwə́to nə́ paṭéži
2 سونډې مندې مېچ مه انه (مانه) په پوزې مچ مه پرېږده Don't let a fly on your nose

[a matal]

sū́nḍe mə́nde meč mə́ ana [mā́na] pə póza məč mə́ prežda
3 غوا یې ولوېسیا بیار یې پرې وښه اوخواړ غوا يې ولوشله او بيا يې پرې واښه وخوړل He/she milked the cow and then he/she made it eat hay/herbage
ğwā ye wə́ lwesyā byār ye pre wašə́ ō-xwāṛ ğwā ye wə́ lwəšəla aw byā ye pre wāšə́ wə́ xwaṛəl
4 آ اورې چرګانو هویې واچې هاغو لرې خوا ته چرګانو هګۍ واچولې The sun is to my front
ā ōre čərgā́no hóye wā́če hā́ğo lə́re xwā tə čərgā́no hagə́i wā́čawəle
5 ته ځنې څو جګ یې ته ترې څونه دنګ يې From him/her how tall are you
tə dzə́ne tso jəg ye tə tre tsóna dəng ye
6 دومبې سوچه مه وله دومره سوچونه مه کوه Don't think so much
dṓmbe sočə́ mə́ wula dū́mra sočū́na mə́ kawa
7 ګامېښې دې ورسو چي غړېږین مېښې دې ورشو کښې څرېدې [Your] buffalos [feminine] were grazing in the pasture
gāméše de warsṓ cī gaṛežī́n méše de waršó kše tsaredé
8 څپلي / چپړکې شپوکې که نا څپلۍ/چپړې اغوندې که نه


څپلۍ / چپړې په پښو کوې که نه

Are you wearing the slipper or no
tsaplī́ / čapṛáke špoké kə nā tsaplə́i / čapáṛa ağundé kə nə


tsaplə́i / čapáṛa pə pšo kawé kə nə

9 اغې رېبون ونغاړي هغې کميس ونغښتۀ She folded the shirt
áğe rebū́n wə́ nğāṛī hağé kamís wə́ nğaštə
10 رېبنان ونغاړه کميسونه ونغاړه Fold the shirts
rebnā́n wə́ nğāṛa kamísū́na wə́ nğāṛa
11 ترژه ده او کهل مي ده تږی دی او ستړی هم دی He is thirsty and also tired
tə́rža da aw kahál mī da tə́žay day aw stə́ṛay ham day
12 تا حق خالي خپل کار لا کړنګ ته ده کله مي کار مېوې ته نه ستا حق تش خپل کار يا کړنې ته دی کله هم د کار مېوې ته نه Your right is only to your own work or action never-ever to the fruit of action
tā hak xālī́ xpəl kār lā kṛang tə da kə́la mī kār mewé tə nə stā hak taš xpəl kār yā kṛə́ne tə day kə́la ham də kār mewé tə nə


Nouns - Morphology

Class 1

  • Masculine Animate: mə́ser - elder (In general Pashto: mə́sər
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Singular Plural
Direct mə́ser məserā́n
Oblique məserə́ mə́serā́no
  • Masculine Animate: lewә́- wolf
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Singular Plural
Direct lewә́ lewā́n
Oblique lewā́no
  • Masculine Animate: xar- donkey
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Singular Plural
Direct xar xrā́n
Oblique xrə́ xro
  • Masculine Animate: pšə́ - tom-cat (in general Pashto: piš)
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Singular Plural
Direct pša pšyā́n
Oblique pšə́ pšyā́nū
  • Masculine Inanimate: dārū́ - medicine
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Singular Plural
Direct dārū́ dārūwā́n
Oblique dārūwē dārūwo
  • Masculine Inanimate: kor - house
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Singular Plural
Direct kor korū́na
Oblique korə́ korū́no
  • Feminine Animate: pšī - cat (in general Pashto: piśó)
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Singular Plural
Direct pšī pšyā́ne
Oblique pše pšyā́no
  • Feminine Inanimate: lyār - way (in general Pashto: lār)
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Singular Plural
Direct lyār lyā́re
Oblique lyā́re lyā́ro
  • Feminine Inanimate: xwā́šī - mother-in-law
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Singular Plural
Direct xwā́šī xwā́šī
Oblique xwāšó
  • Feminine Inanimate: čaṛə́ - mother-in-law
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Singular Plural
Direct čaṛə́ čaṛī́
Oblique čaṛī́ čaṛó
  • Feminine Inanimate: lergā́ - stick
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Singular Plural
Direct lergā́ lergī́
Oblique lergī́ lergó

Class 2

  • Masculine Animate: yirźá - bear (in general Pashto: يږ [yәẓ̌, yәg, yәź])
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Singular Plural
Direct yirźá yirźiān
Oblique yirźí yirźío
  • Masculine Animate: spa -dog (in general Pashto: spáy)
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Singular Plural
Direct spá spiā́n
Oblique spī́ spiā́no
  • Masculine Inanimate: wagaṛá -village (in general Pashto: kə́lay)
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Singular Plural
Direct wagṛá wagaṛyā́n
Oblique wagaṛí wagaṛyó
  • Feminine Animate: spī - female-dog (in general Pashto spə́i)
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Singular Plural
Direct spī spī
Oblique spīu

Class 3

  • Masculine Inanimate: špaźmi -moon (in general Pashto spoẓ̌mə́i, a feminine noun)
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Singular Plural
Direct شپږمي


Oblique špaźmyó
  • Feminine Inanimate: méle -celebration (in general Pashto melá)
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Singular Plural
Direct méle méle
Oblique melyú

Class 4

  • Masculine Animate: spor- horseman
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Singular Plural
Direct spor spārə́
Oblique spārə́ spāró
  • Masculine Inanimate: rebún - shirt
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Singular Plural
Direct rebún rebnā́n
Oblique rebnānə́ rebnā́no

Class 5

  • Masculine Animate: ğal
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Singular Plural
Direct ğal ğlúnə
Oblique ğlə ğlunó

Agglutinative Formation

The (e)ya case is agglutinative.[14]

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WaṇetsiGeneral PashtoTranslation
šā ya də/lə šā nə from the back
tsā́h ya lə tsā́h nə from the well
tsā yalə cā nəfrom whom
xalxó ya lə xalkó nə from the people


In Waṇetsi اغه [aɣa] functions for both Pashto دغه (this) and هغه (that).[14]

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Singular Plural
Masc. Fem.
Direct áğa áğa




Oblique áğә áğe áğo



Verb Infinitive

Where as General Pashto employs the ل [ә́l] to the past stem to make it infinitive, Waṇetsi employs نګ [ang] to the past stem to make it infinitive.[14]

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WaṇetsiGeneral PashtoTranslation
xwaṛang xwaṛә́l to eat
lambedang lambedә́l to bathe
wezangwaźә́l to kill
wayang wayә́l to say
kṛang kawә́l to do
cinostang kṣ̌enāstә́l to sit


  • J. H. Elfenbein, (1984). "The Wanetsi Connexion: Part I". Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (1): 54–76.
  • J. H. Elfenbein, (1984). "The Wanetsi Connexion: Part II". Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (2): 229–241.
  • J. H Elfenbein, (1967). "Lanḍa Zor Wəla Waṇecī". Archiv Orientální. XXXV: 563–606.

See also


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