State Anthem of Tatarstan

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State Anthem of Tatarstan

The State Anthem of the Republic of Tatarstan[a] was composed by Tatar musician Röstäm Yaxin and was first adopted in 1993 without lyrics. 20 years later, lyrics written by Ramazan Baytimerov [ru] were made official.[2][3]

Quick Facts English:, Lyrics ...
Татарстан Республикасы Дәүләт гимны
English: State Anthem of the Republic of Tatarstan

Regional anthem of Tatarstan (Russia)
LyricsRamazan Baytimerov [ru], 2013
MusicRöstäm Yaxin
Audio sample
2013 official orchestral and choral vocal recording in D-flat major



Current version

On 21 February 2013, the Parliament of Tatarstan unanimously approved lyrics written by Baytimerov. The final lyrics of the anthem is based on the poem «Туган ягым» ('Native Land') by Ramazan Baytimerov, as is known from a story written by him in the 1970s. Many unknown authors took part in the revision of the poems. Baytimerov's poems inspired the composer Röstäm Yaxin to compose a song, the melody of which became the national anthem of Tatarstan in 1993. The new lyrics of the anthem consists of the first two verses sung in Tatar, followed by two verses sung in Russian. The lyrics were translated into Russian by Assyrian-Russian poet Filipp Pirayev.[4][5]

More information Cyrillic script, Latin script ...
Tatar and Russian[2][6][7]
Cyrillic script Latin script IPA transcription[b]

Мәңге яшә, газиз Ватаныбыз,
Халкым тели изге теләкләр!
Гомерлеккә якын туган булып
Яши бездә төрле милләтләр.

Күп гасырлар кичкән чал тарихлы
Данлы илем, үзең бер дастан!
𝄆 Синдә генә безнең язмышыбыз,
Республикам минем, Татарстан! 𝄇

Цвети, священная земля моя,
Да будет мирным твой небосвод!
Единый дом у нас, одна семья,
Живёт в согласии наш народ.

Богатый мудростью седых веков,
Надеждой, верою ты нам стал,
𝄆 И пусть хранит тебя моя любовь,
Моя Республика, мой Татарстан! 𝄇

Mäñge yäşä, ğaziz Watanıbız,
Xalqım teli izge teläklär!
Ğömerlekkä yaqın tuğan bulıp
Yäşi bezdä törle millätlär.

Küp ğasırlar kiçkän çal tarixlı
Danlı ilem, üzeñ ber dastan!
𝄆 Sindä genä bezneñ yazmışıbız,
Respublikam minem, Tatarstan! 𝄇

Tsweti, swäşçennaya zemlä moya,
Da budet mirnım twoy neboswod!
Yedinıy dom u nas, odna semya,
Jiwöt w soglasiyi naş narod.

Bogatıy mudrostyu sedıx wekow,
Nadejdoy, weroyu tı nam stal,
𝄆 I pust xranit tebä moya lübow,
Moya Respublika, moy Tatarstan! 𝄇

[mæŋ.ˈɡɘ jæ.ˈʃæ ʁɑ̹.ˈziz ǀ wɑ̹.ˌtɑ̹.nɤ.ˈbɤz ǀ]
[χɑ̹ɫ.ˈqɤm tɘ.ˈli iz.ˈgɘ ǀ tɘ.læk.ˈlær ‖]
[ʁø.ˌmɘ̹r.lɘ̹k.ˈkæ jɑ̹.ˈqɤn ǀ tu.ˈʁɑn bu.ˈɫɤ̹p ǀ]
[jæ.ˈʃi bɘz.ˈdæ tør.ˈlɘ̹ ǀ mil.læt.ˈlær ‖]

[kʉp ʁɑ̹.sɤr.ˈɫɑr kiɕ.ˈkæn ǀ ɕɑ̹ɫ tɑ̹.riχ.ˈɫɤ ǀ]
[dɑ̹n.ˈɫɤ i.ˈlɘm ʉ.ˈzɘ̹ŋ ǀ bɘr dɑ̹s.ˈtɑn ‖]
𝄆 [sin.ˈdæ gɘ.ˈnæ bɘz.ˈnɘŋ ǀ jɑ̹z.ˌmɤ.ʃɤ.ˈbɤz ǀ]
[rʲɪs.ˈpub.lʲɪ.kam mi.ˈnɘm tɑ̹.tɑ̹r.ˈstɑn ‖] 𝄇

[t͡svʲɪ.ˈtʲi svʲɪɕ.ˈɕɛn.nɐ.ja ǀ zʲɪm.ˈlʲa mɐ.ˈja ǀ]
[da ˈbu.dʲɪt ˈmʲir.nɨm ǀ tvoj nʲɛ.bɐs.ˈvot ‖]
[jɪ.ˈdʲi.nɨj dom u nas ǀ ɐd.ˈna sʲɪm⁽ʲ⁾.ˈja ǀ]
[ʐɨ.ˈvʲot f‿sɐ.ˈɡɫa.sʲɪ.(j)ɪ ǀ naʂ nɐ.ˈrot ‖]

[bɐ.ˈɡa.tɨj ˈmu.drəsʲtʲ.ju ǀ sʲɪ.ˈdɨx vʲɪ.ˈkof ǀ]
[nɐ.ˈdʲɛʐ.dɐj ˈvʲɛ.rɐ.ju ǀ tɨ nam staɫ ‖]
𝄆 [i pusʲtʲ xrɐ.ˈnʲit tʲɪ.ˈbʲa ǀ mɐ.ˈja lʲu.ˈbofʲ ǀ]
[mɐ.ˈja rʲɪ.ˈspu.blʲɪ.ka ǀ moj tɐ.tɐr.ˈstan ‖] 𝄇

More information English poetic translation ...
English poetic translation

Live forever, motherland beloved,
With thee my folk are united.
With benevolence we are born,
With us do diverse folks thrive.

Since aeons thou hast a history grand,
My country bright and thy past bold.
𝄆 With thee we found ourselves again,
My dear Republic, O Tatarstan! 𝄇

Flourish, my hallowed land,
May thy peace fill thy sky.
In this vast family we are united,
Our folk live in harmony.

Our wisdom rich in ages ancient,
Thou art our only hope and faith.
𝄆 And may thy love fill thy heart,
My dear Republic – my Tatarstan! 𝄇

More information English literal translation ...
English literal translation

Live forever, beloved motherland,
My people are united with you!
We are born with generosity.
Different people live with us.

Since different generations, you have a beautiful history.
My glorious country, your history is heroic!
We found ourselves with you again,
My republic, Tatarstan!

Flourish, holy land,
Let thy peace fill your sky,
We are united in this big family.
People are able to live in harmony.

With our rich, ancient wisdom
You are our only hope, and faith,
And let thy love fill your heart.
My republic, my Tatarstan!


Original version

The original proposed lyrics of the anthem, titled "Tuğan yağım" (lit.'My Native Country'), was written by Ramazan Baytimerov in the 1970s. The text was subsequently translated into Russian by Marsel Sabirov. During that time, Röstäm Yaxin was inspired to composed music that eventually became the national anthem. The Russian version, however, was not adopted.[2]

More information Tatar original, Cyrillic script ...
Tatar original[2][8]
Cyrillic script Latin script[1] IPA transcription[9][c]

Күпме юллар йөрдем, дөнья күрдем,
Назлы җилләр йөзем сыйпады.
𝄆 Сиңа кайткач гына, туган ягым,
Күкрәгемә шатлык сыймады. 𝄇

Тик бер генә көнгә аерылсам да
Ямансулап сине юксынам.
𝄆 Синнән башка миңа, туган ягым,
Бу дөньяда тормыш юк сыман. 𝄇

Тик бер генә көнгә аерылсам да
Ятим калган кебек буламын!
Тик син гөнә яшәү матурлыгы,
Гүзәллеге якты дөньяның! 𝄇

Küpme yullar yördem, dönya kürdem,
Nazlı cillär yözem sıypadı.
𝄆 Siña qaytqaç ğına, tuğan jağım,
Kükrägemä şatlıq sıymadı. 𝄇

Tik ber genä köngä ayırılsam da
Yamansulap sine yuqsınam.
𝄆 Sinnän başqa miña, tuğan yağım,
Bu dönyada tormış yuq sıman. 𝄇

Tik ber genä köngä ayırılsam da
Yätim qalğan kebek bulamın!
𝄆 Tik sin gönä yäşäw maturlığı,
Güzällege yaqtı dönyanıñ! 𝄇

[kʉp.ˈmɘ juɫ.ˈɫɑr jør.ˈdɘ̹m ǀ døn.ˈjɑ kʉr.ˈdɘ̹m ǀ]
[nɑ̹z.ˈɫɤ ʑil.ˈlær jø.ˈzɘ̹m ǀ sɯj.pɑ.ˈdɤ ‖]
𝄆 [si.ˈŋɑ qɑ̹jt.ˈqɑɕ ʁɤ.ˈnɑ ǀ tu.ˈʁɑn jɑ̹.ˈʁɤm ǀ]
[kʉk.ræ.gɘ.ˈmæ ʃɑ̹t.ˈɫɤq ǀ sɯj.mɑ.ˈdɤ ‖] 𝄇

[tik bɘr gɘ.ˈnæ køn.ˈgæ ǀ ɑ̹j(ɤ̆).rɤɫ.ˈsɑm dɑ̹ ǀ]
[jɑ̹.ˌmɑ̹ˈɫɑp si.ˈnɘ ǀ juq.sɤ.ˈnɑm ‖]
𝄆 [sin.ˈnæn bɑ̹ʃ.ˈqɑ mi.ˈŋɑ ǀ tu.ˈʁɑn jɑ̹.ˈʁɤm ǀ]
[bu døn.jɑ.ˈdɑ tor.ˈmɤʃ ǀ juq sɤ.ˈmɑn ‖] 𝄇

[tik bɘr gɘ.ˈnæ køn.ˈgæ ǀ ɑ̹j(ɤ̆).rɤɫ.ˈsɑm dɑ̹ ǀ]
[jæ.ˈtim qɑ̹ɫ.ˈʁɑn kɘ.ˈbɘk ǀ bu.ɫɑ.ˈmɤn ‖]
𝄆 [tik sin gø.ˈnæ jæ.ˈʃæw ǀ mɑ̹.ˌtur.ɫɤ.ˈʁɤ ǀ]
[gʉ.ˌzæl.lɘ.ˈgɘ jɑ̹q.ˈtɤ ǀ døn.jɑ.ˈnɤŋ ‖] 𝄇

More information Russian translation, English translation ...
Russian translation[10] English translation

Сколько дорог я прошел, весь мир обойдя,
Нежный ветер ласкал мое лицо любя,
𝄆 Но только придя к тебе Родная земля,
Грудь сжалась, место радости не найдя… 𝄇

В один день даже если будет разлука,
Грусть по тебе это сплошная мука,
𝄆 Без тебя, о Родная земля,
Нет жизни, без тебя — нет меня… 𝄇

В один день даже если будет разлука,
Я как будто словно сирота!
𝄆 Лишь ты мой смысл жизни,
Лишь ты яркий свет отчизны 𝄇

Of many roads I’ve traveled around the world,
Gentle winds caressed my face.
𝄆 But only with thee, my native land,
I am otherwise joyless… 𝄇

For just one day I am away,
I miss thee with all my sadness.
𝄆 Without thee, my land so dear,
The world is seemingly lifeless… 𝄇

For just one day I am away,
I feel like an orphan.
𝄆 Only thou art my meaning of this life;
The vivid ray of this world endless… 𝄇


See also


  1. Tatar: Татарстан Җөмһүрияте Дәүләт гимны, romanized: Tatarstan Cömhüriyäte Däwlät gimnı,[1] pronounced [tɑtɑrˈstɑn ʑømhʉrijæˈtɘ̆ dæwˈlæt gʲimˈnɤ̆]


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