Articles in social and political philosophy include: Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z See also A A Conflict of Visions A Few Words on Non-Intervention A Vindication of the Rights of Men Accountability Action theory Actual Idealism Adam Müller Adamites Agency (philosophy) Aggravation of class struggle under socialism Agonism Al-Khidr Alan Carter (philosopher) Alan Ryan Alastair Norcross Alexis de Tocqueville Alfred Rosenberg Alon Ben-Meir Altruism Anarch (sovereign individual) Anarchism in Cuba Anarchism in Korea Anarchism in Vietnam Anarchism Anarchist communism Anarchist Manifesto Anarchist schools of thought Anarcho-capitalism Anarcho-primitivism Anarchy, State, and Utopia Andrei Marga Animalism (Animal Farm) Anomie Anti-clericalism Anti-communism Anti-consumerism Anti-elitism Anti-environmentalism Anti-Germans (communist current) Anti-racist mathematics Anti-Revisionism Anti-Stalinist left Antigone (Sophocles) Antimilitarism António Castanheira Neves Antonio Negri Apology (Plato) Archon Aristotle Armchair revolutionary Armin Mohler Arthur Linton Corbin Arthur Moeller van den Bruck Asian values Auctoritas Augustinian values Austrofascism Authenticity (philosophy) Authoritarianism Authority Avant-Garde and Kitsch Avant-garde Avodah Axel Honneth Ayn Rand B Bad faith (existentialism) Bad originalism Banality of Evil Barracks communism Basic norm Basileus Beerwolf Benjamin Tucker Bertrand Russell Between Facts and Norms Biopolitics Biopower Black Panther Party Blanquism Body politic Bolshevik Bonapartism (Marxism) Bourgeoisie Bruno Leoni C Capital punishment Capitalism Carl Joachim Friedrich Carl Schmitt Carlo Lottieri Carmen Laforet Catonism Celine's laws Censorship under fascist regimes Charles de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu Charles Fremont Dight Charles Taylor (philosopher) Christian communism Christian existentialism Christofascism Citationality Citizen Cyborg Civic nationalism Civic virtue Civics Civil liberties Class collaboration Class consciousness Classical liberalism Claude Lefort Claude Lévi-Strauss Clerical fascism Clericalism Cocolo Coercion Commodity fetishism Commodity form theory Common ownership Heimin Shimbun Communicative rationality Communism Communitarianism Communization Compassionate conservatism Computer ethics Conflict theories Confucian view of marriage Confucianism in Indonesia Confucianism Confucius Conscience Consensual living Consensus democracy Consent of the governed Consent theory Consequentialist justifications of the state Conservatism worldwide Conservatism Conservative Christianity Constantin Rădulescu-Motru Constitutional law Constitutional right Constitutional theory Consumerism Contemporary Political Theory Cooperative federalism Core democratic values Corelative Cornel West Cornelius Castoriadis Corporatism Cosmopolitanism Costas Douzinas Council communism Coup d'État: A Practical Handbook Critical discourse analysis Critical historiography Critical international relations theory Critical legal studies Critical pedagogy Critical race theory Criticisms of communism Criticism of communist party rule Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory Critique of capitalism Critique of Dialectical Reason Crito Crypto-fascism CTheory Cultural hegemony Cultural materialism (anthropology) Cultural materialism (cultural studies) Cultural studies D Das Kapital David Kolb David Miller (political theorist) De re publica Decembrio - family of scholars Defensive democracy Definitions of fascism Delegate model of representation Delegated authority Democracy in Marxism Democracy Democratic centralism Democratic consolidation Democratic deficit Democratic dictatorship Democratic Ideals Democratic socialism Democratic structuring Democratic transhumanism Dérive Dialectic Dialectical materialism Dialectician Dignitas (Roman concept) Dimitris Dimitrakos Direct democracy Director primacy Disciples of Confucius Discontinuity (Postmodernism) Discourse ethics Discourse Distribution of wealth Divine Right of Kings Double consciousness Doxa Dual power Duality of structure Due process Duncan Kennedy Dystopia E Earth jurisprudence Eco-socialism Ecofascism Ecological modernization Economic freedom Écriture féminine Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature and Other Essays Election promise Election Elective rights Enlightened self-interest Epic and Novel Eranos Ergatocracy Ernest Wamba dia Wamba Ernst Bloch Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary Essentially contested concept Ethic of reciprocity Ethical arguments regarding torture Ethics in Government Act Ethics Étienne de La Boétie Eugenics Eurocommunism Evil Exceptionalism Execution by burning Exile and the Kingdom Existential humanism Existentialism Externalization F Family as a model for the state Fascism and ideology Fascism Fascist manifesto Fascist symbolism Fatalism Federalism Federalist Feliks Koneczny Félix Guattari Felix Kaufmann Feminist legal theory Filial piety Filippo Mazzei Fiscal conservatism For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto Fourier complex Frame of Government of Pennsylvania Francesco D'Andrea Francis Fukuyama Francis Parker Yockey Frank Meyer Frankfurt School Freedom (political) Freedom and the Law Freedom of contract Freudo-Marxism Friedrich Hayek Führerprinzip Functionalism (sociology) Fundamental right Fusionism (politics) G Gaullism Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft Gender studies General Will Generosity Georg Jellinek Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel George Kateb George Ohsawa Georges Bataille Gerald Cohen Giacomo Marramao Giambattista Vico Gianfranco Sanguinetti Gilles Deleuze Giorgio Agamben Giorgio Del Vecchio Global citizens movement Global Feminism Global Justice Movement Global Justice or Global Revenge Global justice Governance Governmentality Grassroots democracy Green conservatism Green liberalism Green libertarianism Green syndicalism Guevarism Guy Debord Gynocentrism H H. B. Acton H. L. A. Hart Habeas corpus Habitus (sociology) Hannah Arendt Hans Achterhuis Hans Kelsen Hans Köchler Hate speech Hegemony Henri Lefebvre Henry David Thoreau Henry George Henry Pachter Henry Sidgwick Herman Oliphant Hermeneutics Historical materialism Historicism History of communism History of Consciousness History of Political Philosophy Holism Homo sacer Houston Stewart Chamberlain Hugo Grotius Human dignity Humanistic psychology I Identity formation Ideology Imagined communities Immanuel Kant Immediatism Imperialism Imperium Inclusive Democracy Indeterminacy debate in legal theory Indian political philosophy Individualism Institutional cruelty Interculturalism Internalization International law Interpellation Interregnum Invisible dictatorship Invisible hand Irenism Iris Marion Young Irrational Man: A Study in Existential Philosophy Irrealism (the arts) Isabel Paterson Isaiah Berlin Islamic democracy Islamofascism Isonomia Italian fascism Ivan Chtcheglov J J. J. C. Smart Jacksonian democracy James Brusseau James Tully (philosopher) Janet Biehl Janet Coleman Jean-François Lyotard Jean-Jacques Rousseau Jean Bodin Jeffersonian democracy Jeffersonian political philosophy Jeremy Bentham Jewish Bolshevism John Austin (legal philosopher) John Burnheim John Finnis John Locke John Oswald (activist) John Rawls John Stuart Mill John William Miller Jonathan Wolff (philosopher) Joseph de Torre Joseph H. H. Weiler Joseph Priestley and Dissent Joseph Priestley Joseph Raz Joshua Cohen (philosopher) Juche Judicial activism Julian Gumperz Julien Offray de La Mettrie Julius Binder Jürgen Habermas Jurisdictional arbitrage Jurisprudence Justice Justification for the state Justitium K Karl-Otto Apel Karl Marx Karl Popper Kyklos L L'existentialisme est un humanisme Labor theory of property Latin Conservatism Law in action Law, Legislation and Liberty Laws (dialogue) Leadership League of peace Left-libertarianism Left communism Legal formalism Legal origins theory Legal positivism Legal realism Legal science Legalism (Chinese philosophy) Legalism (Western philosophy) Leninism Leonard Borgzinner Leonard Read Leonidas Donskis Les jeux sont faits Les Temps modernes Leviathan (book) Lex, Rex Li (Confucian) Li (Neo-Confucianism) Liberal conservatism Liberal democracy Liberalism in the United States Liberalism Libertarian Marxism Libertarian municipalism Libertarian socialism Libertarian theories of law Libertarian transhumanism Libertarianism Liberty List of basic anarchism topics List of basic critical theory topics List of Confucianists List of critical theorists List of critical theory topics List of postmodern critics List of thinkers and authors associated with Existentialism List of works in critical theory Literary criticism Literary theory Living Marxism Localism (politics) Logos: A Journal of Modern Society and Culture Lon L. Fuller Loren Lomasky Louis Althusser Ludwig von Mises Luxemburgism Lysander Spooner M Man's Fate Mandate of Heaven Mandeville's paradox Margaret Canovan Marginalization Market populism Martin Luther King Jr. Marx's theory of alienation Marx's theory of human nature Marxism-Leninism Marxism Marxist philosophy of nature Marxist philosophy Marxist revisionism Master-slave dialectic Maurice Cranston Max Horkheimer Mazdak Media accountability Media transparency Mencius Meritarian Messianic democracy Meta-rights Methodological individualism Michael Davis (philosopher) Michael Novak Michael Otsuka Michel Foucault Mihailo Markovic Milan Kangrga Minima Moralia Minority (philosophy) Modalities (sociology) Modern liberalism in the United States Monarchomachs Monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force Moral absolutism Moral choice Moral relativism Moral responsibility Moral syncretism Mortimer Adler Mottainai Murray Bookchin Murray Rothbard Musical historicism Mutual liberty N National Catholicism Nationalism Natural law Natural order Naturalization Negarchy Negative and positive rights Negative liberty Neo-Confucianism Neo-Luddism Neo-Stalinism Neo-theocracy Neo-Tribalism Neofunctionalism (sociology) Netocracy New Democracy Niccolò Machiavelli Nigel Warburton Nineteen Eighty-Four Norbert Leser Norm (philosophy) Norm (sociology) Normlessness O Objectivity (philosophy) Oligarchy Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. Open government Open society Oppression Organic law Organic statute Organic work Organicism Original intent Original meaning Originalism Oskar Negt Other Owenism P Paleoconservatism Paralanguage Parity of esteem Participatory democracy Pasajes de la guerra revolucionaria Paul R. Patton Paul Virilio Peace Pentacosiomedimni People Per Bauhn Perpetual peace Persecution Personal life Peter Lamborn Wilson Peter Steinberger Pew Research Center political typology Philanthropreneur Philanthropy Philip Pettit Philosophical anarchism Philosophy of economics Philosophy of history Philosophy of social science Philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard Pierre-André Taguieff Pierre Bourdieu Pirate utopia Planned economy Plato Political argument Political consciousness Political consumerism Political culture Political engineering Political jurisprudence Political Order in Changing Societies Political philosophy of Immanuel Kant Political philosophy Political positivism Political radicalism Political rehabilitation Political sociology Political structure Political theology Politics (Aristotle) Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture Politics Popular front Populism Positive law Positive liberty Positivism Post-industrial society Post-Marxism Postcolonialism Posthegemony Posthumanism Postmodern Christianity Postmodern social construction of nature Potter Box Power: A New Social Analysis Praxis intervention Praxis School Prediction theory of law Primitive communism Principle of law Procedural democracy Procreative beneficence Progressivism in the United States Proletarian internationalism Proletariat Propaganda of the deed Property redistribution Public Public reason Public sphere Public trust Punishment Punk ideologies Purposive theory Pyongyang Declaration Q Queer theory R Racialism Rada Ivekovic Radical democracy Radical Democracy Party (Chile) Rainer Forst Ralstonism Rate of exploitation Rational choice theory Raya Dunayevskaya Reactionary Real freedom Real socialism Reason and Revolution Rechtsstaat Red-baiting Reification (Marxism) Relations of production Religious communism Religious democracy René Viénet Representative democracy Representative direct democracy Republican democracy Republican In Name Only Ressentiment Revolutionary integrationism Revolutionary spontaneity Richard Gregg Richard M. Weaver Right-libertarianism Right Hegelians Right of asylum Right of revolution Rights Rights of Man Robert Nozick Robert P. George Roberto Mangabeira Unger Ronald Dworkin Rule by decree Rule of law Russell Kirk S Scientific Communism Scientism Secondary antisemitism Sectarian democracy Secularism Secularization Self-determination Self (philosophy) Selfishness Semantics Seniority Serge Moscovici Shortage economy Significant other Simone Weil Situationist International Small-c conservative Social alienation Social Choice and Individual Values Social conservatism Social constructionism Social contract Social Darwinism Social democracy Social determinism Social engineering (political science) Social exclusion Social fascism Social influence Social Justice in the Liberal State Social justice Social liberalism Social medicine Social philosophy Social progress Social psychology (sociology) Social reality Social responsibility Social Solidarity Socialism Socialist realism Societal attitudes toward homosexuality Societal attitudes towards abortion Society Soft paternalism Soft tyranny Solange Pierre Søren Kierkegaard and Friedrich Nietzsche South Park and Philosophy: You Know, I Learned Something Today Sovereignty Soviet democracy Spectacle (Situationism) Stalinism State and Revolution State capitalism State of emergency State of nature State racism Stateless communism States and Social Revolutions Statesman (dialogue) Statolatry Stephen Bronner Stereotype Stirrings Still: The International Journal of Existential Literature Strict constructionism Structuration Subjective expected utility Substantive democracy Sultanism Suppression of dissent Synoecism Systematic ideology T T. M. Scanlon Tabula rasa Tacitean studies Taistoism Taking Rights Seriously Takis Fotopoulos Tara Smith (philosopher) Teaching for social justice Techniques of neutralization Ten Days that Shook the World Textualism The Adulterous Woman The aestheticization of politics The Black Book of Communism The Case of the Speluncean Explorers The Commonwealth of Oceana The Communist Manifesto The Concept of Law The Doctrine of Fascism The Establishment The Ethics of Liberty The Faces of Janus The French Revolution (Carlyle) The Inclusion of the Other The Kingdom of this World The Machiavellian Moment The Market for Liberty The Metamorphosis The Middle Way The Myth of the Rational Voter The Phenomenology of Spirit The Plague The Possessed (play) The Prince The Rebel The Renegade (Camus short story) The Republic (Plato) The Rhetoric of Hitler's "Battle" The Roman Revolution The Second Sex The Silent Men The Soul of Man under Socialism The Stranger (Camus novel) The Third Wave The Vision of the Anointed The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction Theatre of the Absurd Theodor Sternberg Theodor W. Adorno Theory of criminal justice Theory of Subversion and Containment Third Way (centrism) Thomas Hill Green Thomas Hobbes Þorsteinn Gylfason Thought of Thomas Aquinas Three Principles of the People Three sided football Titoism Todd May Toleration Tony Honoré Torture Totalitarian democracy Totalitarianism Tradition Traditional Chinese social structure Traditionalist Conservatism Transformative justice Translating "law" to other European languages Truth Two Concepts of Liberty Two Treatises of Government Tyranny of the majority U Unity of opposites Universal ethic Universal pragmatics Unorganisation Utopia V Value (personal and cultural) Value judgment Value pluralism Varieties of democracy Victor d'Hupay Virtue jurisprudence Vox populi W Wagnerism Waiting for Godot Waking Life Walter Benjamin War Washing out mouth with soap Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld Wild law Wildness Wilhelm Dilthey Will (philosophy) William Fontaine William James William Paley William Sweet Workers of the world, unite! Wu Enyu Y Young Hegelians Z Zeitgeist See also Index of sociopolitical thinkers Wikiwand - on Seamless Wikipedia browsing. On steroids.