Patagoniaislands towards Antarctica. Rodrigo de Isla, sent inland in 1535 from San Matías by Simón de Alcazaba y Sotomayor (on whom western Patagonia had been
Governorates of the Spanish Empire decades later. Governorate of New Léon, granted in 1529 to Simón de Alcazaba y Sotomayor [es] and redefined in 1534, it consisted of the southernmost
Governorate of New Leónof Castile created in 1534. It was granted to Simón de Alcazaba y Sotomayor and later to Francisco de Camargo, expanding the territory to the Strait
Captaincy General of ChilePizarro, New Toledo or Chile to Diego de Almagro and New León or Magellanic Lands for Simón de Alcazaba y Sotomayor [es], which was subsequently extended
Chilean Antarctic TerritoryFrancisco Pizarro), New Toledo or Chile (to Diego de Almagro) and New León (to Simón de Alcazaba y Sotomayor [es]) also known as the Magellanic Lands and subsequently