Robert le Bougre

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Inquisition in France
Dominican Robert le Bougre, appointed in April 1233. However, his nomination was protested by Archbishop Walter Cornuti of Sens, as Robert was to be subject
on the orders of the Dominican inquisitor and former Cathar Perfect Robert le Bougre [fr]. Mount Guimar, in northeastern France, had already been denounced
Dominican inquisitor, Robert le Bougre, working in the years 1233–1244, earned a particularly grim reputation. In 1236, Robert burned about 50 people
Charles Homer Haskins
Charles Homer Haskins
History at Paris," The American Historical Review, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1898. "Robert Le Bougre and the Beginnings of the Inquisition in Northern France," Part II
Medieval Inquisition
Medieval Inquisition
Therefore, it was almost impossible to eradicate abuse. For example, Robert le Bougre, the "Hammer of Heretics" (Malleus Haereticorum), was a Dominican friar