Dictionary of the Christian East, 1503-1506. Pius XI, RerumOrientalium, in V. Peri, Orientalium varietas, Roma 1994, 376-383. E.G. Farrugia, “Benedetto
knowledge of the points of view of the two sides. Allatae sunt [de] Rerumorientalium [de] Omnem sollicitudinem [de] Iam Vos Omnes [nl] Arcano divinae Unitatis
Islamic Studies, Mines de l'Orient (Fundgruben des Orients) (Fontes rerumorientalium)(Sources for Oriental Studies) which was published in six folio volumes
8 May 1928 (1928-05-08) Subject Reparation to the Sacred Heart Number 12 of 31 of the pontificate Text In Latin In English ← Mortalium animos Rerumorientalium →