Leipzig at Virchowstrasse 27. ReinhardRade and Adrian Preißinger were also registered at this address. ReinhardRades company THG, Technische Handelsgesellschaft
Republicans' leader, who was in the Waffen-SS in the Second World War; ReinhardRade was in the East German part of the Republicans, in Leipzig; in the 1989
Football Association general secretary Unknown Republic of Serbia 2006 Radoljub Kanjevac, criminal Unknown 2014 Rade Rakonjac, Arkan's bodyguard Unknown
Dragoslav Mihailović. 1997: Tito's Hawaii ‒ novel by author using the pen-name Rade Panic (name taken from a political victim of the same name whose wife was
Aleksander Čeferin. Out of the 20 members of the UEFA Executive Committee, Reinhard Grindel (Germany) and Servet Yardımcı (Turkey) could not vote because they