List of New Zealand urban areas by population

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This article lists urban areas of New Zealand—as defined by Statistics New Zealand—ranked by population. Only the 150 largest urban areas are listed.

Urban areas are defined by the Statistical Standard for Geographic Areas 2018 (SSGA18).

More information June 2024 rank, Name ...
June 2024 rank Name Region June 2024 estimate[1] Census population[2] Growth
2023 2018 2023 to June 2024 2018 to 2023
1AucklandAuckland1,531,400 1,402,275 1,345,833 +9.21% +4.19%
2ChristchurchCanterbury403,300 380,079 358,068 +6.11% +6.15%
3WellingtonWellington214,200 201,708 201,792 +6.19% −0.04%
4HamiltonWaikato192,000 174,741 160,911 +9.88% +8.59%
5TaurangaBay of Plenty162,800 152,790 137,130 +6.55% +11.42%
6Lower HuttWellington114,500 106,530 103,545 +7.48% +2.88%
7DunedinOtago106,700 100,908 99,885 +5.74% +1.02%
8Palmerston NorthManawatū-Whanganui83,100 78,021 76,281 +6.51% +2.28%
9Hibiscus CoastAuckland69,070 63,351 53,730 +9.03% +17.91%
10NapierHawke's Bay67,500 64,695 62,241 +4.34% +3.94%
11PoriruaWellington60,600 58,080 55,218 +4.34% +5.18%
12New PlymouthTaranaki60,100 58,047 54,279 +3.54% +6.94%
13RotoruaBay of Plenty58,800 55,326 54,186 +6.28% +2.10%
14WhangāreiNorthland56,800 53,841 51,894 +5.50% +3.75%
15HastingsHawke's Bay52,200 47,682 45,075 +9.48% +5.78%
16InvercargillSouthland51,700 48,987 47,844 +5.54% +2.39%
17NelsonNelson51,300 49,224 48,129 +4.22% +2.28%
18Upper HuttWellington45,000 42,903 41,301 +4.89% +3.88%
19WhanganuiManawatū-Whanganui42,500 41,481 39,777 +2.46% +4.28%
20GisborneGisborne38,800 36,912 34,644 +5.11% +6.55%
21RollestonCanterbury31,600 28,449 17,541 +11.08% +62.19%
22BlenheimMarlborough30,600 28,788 27,648 +6.29% +4.12%
23ParaparaumuWellington30,300 28,938 28,701 +4.71% +0.83%
24TimaruCanterbury29,600 28,095 27,501 +5.36% +2.16%
25PukekoheAuckland28,000 27,042 23,841 +3.54% +13.43%
26QueenstownOtago27,700 25,050 20,346 +10.58% +23.12%
27TaupōWaikato27,000 25,374 23,622 +6.41% +7.42%
28MastertonWellington23,200 21,606 19,917 +7.38% +8.48%
29CambridgeWaikato22,500 21,366 18,681 +5.31% +14.37%
30AshburtonCanterbury21,700 20,346 19,356 +6.65% +5.11%
31LevinManawatū-Whanganui20,100 19,533 17,775 +2.90% +9.89%
32RichmondTasman19,750 18,447 15,378 +7.06% +19.96%
33RangioraCanterbury19,400 18,855 17,898 +2.89% +5.35%
34FeildingManawatū-Whanganui18,250 16,929 15,990 +7.80% +5.87%
35WhakatāneBay of Plenty16,650 16,419 15,795 +1.41% +3.95%
36MosgielOtago15,150 14,589 13,656 +3.85% +6.83%
37Havelock NorthHawke's Bay14,900 15,003 14,391 −0.69% +4.25%
38TokoroaWaikato14,650 14,001 13,572 +4.64% +3.16%
39OamaruOtago14,350 13,680 13,065 +4.90% +4.71%
40Te AwamutuWaikato14,150 13,380 12,543 +5.75% +6.67%
41KaiapoiCanterbury13,700 13,017 11,853 +5.25% +9.82%
42WānakaOtago13,600 11,922 9,555 +14.07% +24.77%
43WaikanaeWellington13,150 12,966 12,099 +1.42% +7.17%
44LincolnCanterbury11,600 10,611 6,522 +9.32% +62.70%
45HāweraTaranaki10,550 10,365 9,792 +1.78% +5.85%
46Te PukeBay of Plenty10,500 9,114 8,631 +15.21% +5.60%
47WaiukuAuckland9,930 9,531 9,273 +4.19% +2.78%
48MorrinsvilleWaikato9,710 9,003 7,893 +7.85% +14.06%
49MatamataWaikato9,610 9,132 8,043 +5.23% +13.54%
50HuntlyWaikato8,850 8,232 7,947 +7.51% +3.59%
51GreymouthWest Coast8,640 8,337 7,965 +3.63% +4.67%
52NgāruawāhiaWaikato8,540 7,992 6,987 +6.86% +14.38%
53KerikeriNorthland8,360 8,070 7,185 +3.59% +12.32%
54Beachlands-Pine HarbourAuckland8,340 7,797 6,261 +6.96% +24.53%
55MotuekaTasman8,300 8,190 7,998 +1.34% +2.40%
56GoreSouthland8,290 8,181 7,908 +1.33% +3.45%
57Waiheke IslandAuckland8,020 7,998 7,959 +0.28% +0.49%
58WaitaraTaranaki7,680 7,509 7,005 +2.28% +7.19%
59KawerauBay of Plenty7,610 7,539 7,146 +0.94% +5.50%
60=CromwellOtago7,440 6,783 5,610 +9.69% +20.91%
60=ThamesWaikato7,440 7,212 7,344 +3.16% −1.80%
62Kumeū-HuapaiAuckland7,330 6,948 3,480 +5.50% +99.66%
63PōkenoWaikato6,860 6,081 2,619 +12.81% +132.19%
64WarkworthAuckland6,730 6,675 5,586 +0.82% +19.50%
65WhitiangaWaikato6,540 6,054 5,493 +8.03% +10.21%
66StratfordTaranaki6,510 6,330 5,886 +2.84% +7.54%
67KaitaiaNorthland6,380 5,955 5,868 +7.14% +1.48%
68TuakauWaikato6,180 5,736 5,103 +7.74% +12.40%
69AlexandraOtago6,150 5,589 5,475 +10.04% +2.08%
70WaihiWaikato6,020 5,682 5,409 +5.95% +5.05%
71CartertonWellington5,980 5,859 5,343 +2.07% +9.66%
72KatikatiBay of Plenty5,920 5,580 5,136 +6.09% +8.64%
73MartonManawatū-Whanganui5,740 5,598 5,229 +2.54% +7.06%
74PrebbletonCanterbury5,690 5,382 4,518 +5.72% +19.12%
75DannevirkeManawatū-Whanganui5,680 5,580 5,505 +1.79% +1.36%
76ŌmokoroaBay of Plenty5,450 5,451 3,288 −0.02% +65.78%
77ŌtakiWellington5,270 5,025 4,608 +4.88% +9.05%
78DargavilleNorthland5,230 5,016 4,827 +4.27% +3.92%
79=NgongotahāBay of Plenty5,180 5,124 4,869 +1.09% +5.24%
79=ŌpōtikiBay of Plenty5,180 4,839 4,791 +7.05% +1.00%
81WoodendCanterbury5,140 4,542 2,829 +13.17% +60.55%
82TaumarunuiManawatū-Whanganui4,950 4,821 4,710 +2.68% +2.36%
83WairoaHawke's Bay4,940 4,707 4,527 +4.95% +3.98%
84=KaikoheNorthland4,890 4,563 4,455 +7.17% +2.42%
84=PictonMarlborough4,890 4,812 4,587 +1.62% +4.91%
84=Te KūitiWaikato4,890 4,659 4,572 +4.96% +1.90%
87WaipukurauHawke's Bay4,850 4,698 4,416 +3.24% +6.39%
88TemukaCanterbury4,840 4,593 4,467 +5.38% +2.82%
89PaeroaWaikato4,740 4,458 4,269 +6.33% +4.43%
90Te ArohaWaikato4,700 4,650 4,551 +1.08% +2.18%
91WestportWest Coast4,680 4,527 4,392 +3.38% +3.07%
92PutāruruWaikato4,670 4,455 4,314 +4.83% +3.27%
93BalcluthaOtago4,430 4,347 4,110 +1.91% +5.77%
94WhangamatāWaikato4,420 4,269 4,074 +3.54% +4.79%
95PegasusCanterbury4,160 3,915 2,637 +6.26% +48.46%
96RaglanWaikato4,040 3,717 3,327 +8.69% +11.72%
97InglewoodTaranaki3,960 3,801 3,555 +4.18% +6.92%
98TūrangiWaikato3,840 3,792 3,444 +1.27% +10.10%
99Snells BeachAuckland3,750 3,678 3,405 +1.96% +8.02%
100WaimateCanterbury3,740 3,591 3,456 +4.15% +3.91%
101RiverheadAuckland3,700 3,558 2,724 +3.99% +30.62%
102KihikihiWaikato3,620 3,456 2,754 +4.75% +25.49%
103=AshhurstManawatū-Whanganui3,440 3,237 2,934 +6.27% +10.33%
103=Te KauwhataWaikato3,440 3,303 2,118 +4.15% +55.95%
105HelensvilleAuckland3,420 3,279 2,820 +4.30% +16.28%
106DarfieldCanterbury3,400 3,249 2,784 +4.65% +16.70%
107One Tree PointNorthland3,390 2,988 2,217 +13.45% +34.78%
108ŌtorohangaWaikato3,360 3,180 3,027 +5.66% +5.05%
109FoxtonManawatū-Whanganui3,350 3,384 3,141 −1.00% +7.74%
110LytteltonCanterbury3,310 3,123 2,982 +5.99% +4.73%
111=ŌhopeBay of Plenty3,250 3,033 3,177 +7.15% −4.53%
111=HokitikaWest Coast3,250 3,267 3,096 −0.52% +5.52%
113Te AnauSouthland3,210 2,751 2,574 +16.68% +6.88%
114GeraldineCanterbury3,120 3,018 2,883 +3.38% +4.68%
115RuakākāNorthland2,990 2,817 2,586 +6.14% +8.93%
116GreytownWellington2,940 2,772 2,466 +6.06% +12.41%
117ArrowtownOtago2,930 2,838 2,853 +3.24% −0.53%
118=PahiatuaManawatū-Whanganui2,860 2,838 2,682 +0.78% +5.82%
118=Waihi Beach-BowentownBay of Plenty2,860 2,550 2,484 +12.16% +2.66%
120Mangawhai HeadsNorthland2,850 2,685 1,995 +6.15% +34.59%
121=MaraetaiAuckland2,770 2,553 2,346 +8.50% +8.82%
121=AmberleyCanterbury2,770 2,520 2,070 +9.92% +21.74%
123FeatherstonWellington2,760 2,793 2,487 −1.18% +12.30%
124West MeltonCanterbury2,710 2,409 1,971 +12.49% +22.22%
125WakefieldTasman2,680 2,694 2,448 −0.52% +10.05%
126RenwickMarlborough2,650 2,448 2,418 +8.25% +1.24%
127WintonSouthland2,550 2,475 2,337 +3.03% +5.91%
128WaipawaHawke's Bay2,540 2,334 2,085 +8.83% +11.94%
129LeestonCanterbury2,530 2,271 2,208 +11.40% +2.85%
130KaikōuraCanterbury2,470 2,316 2,223 +6.65% +4.18%
131BrightwaterTasman2,390 2,280 2,133 +4.82% +6.89%
132BullsManawatū-Whanganui2,380 2,055 1,935 +15.82% +6.20%
133OxfordCanterbury2,350 2,235 2,214 +5.15% +0.95%
134MiltonOtago2,270 2,121 2,157 +7.02% −1.67%
135WellsfordAuckland2,240 2,037 1,974 +9.97% +3.19%
136 Lake Hāwea Otago 2,190 2,001 1,200 +9.45% +66.75%
137Foxton BeachManawatū-Whanganui2,150 2,130 1,884 +0.94% +13.06%
138 Eltham Taranaki 2,140 2,097 1,947 +2.05% +7.70%
139=CliveHawke's Bay2,120 1,992 1,887 +6.43% +5.56%
139=Ōtaki BeachWellington2,120 2,145 1,818 −1.17% +17.99%
141 Moerewa Northland 2,100 1,845 1,737 +13.82% +6.22%
142 Methven Canterbury 2,080 1,977 1,779 +5.21% +12.25%
143 Martinborough Wellington 2,050 1,875 1,824 +9.33% +2.80%
144 Murupara Bay of Plenty 2,040 1,884 1,815 +8.28% +3.80%
145 Twizel Canterbury 1,890 1,674 1,515 +12.90% +10.50%
146 Coromandel Waikato 1,870 1,782 1,743 +4.94% +2.24%
147 Bluff Southland 1,840 1,797 1,797 +2.39% 0.00%
148 Taihape Manawatū-Whanganui 1,810 1,668 1,716 +8.51% −2.80%
149= Hikurangi Northland 1,800 1,557 1,617 +15.61% −3.71%
149= Paekākāriki Wellington 1,800 1,674 1,746 +7.53% −4.12%

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