Juni 2004. Philipp von Zabern Verlag, Mainz 2008, ISBN 978-3-8053-3632-1, pages 9–29. Gerhard Neumann, Reinhard Wenskus, RafaelvonUslar, Cherusker. In:
general Arturo Uslar Santamaría and Helena Pietri de Uslar. The last name Uslar is of German origin and can be traced back to Johann vonUslar, who fought
1819, other parts of the town of Uslar were also destroyed by fire. Built around 1100 by the Counts of Reinhausen, Uslar-Gleichen Castle changed hands several
archaeological evidence to support his classification, most notably citing RafaelvonUslar's article of the same year, "Archäologische Fundgruppen und germanische