American indigenous languages (also published in 1891). Powell recognized two language families: "Shoshonean" (encompassing Takic, Numic, Hopi, and Tübatulabal)
Shoshoni: soni' ta̲i̲kwappe, newe ta̲i̲kwappe or neme ta̲i̲kwappeh), is a Numiclanguage of the Uto-Aztecan family, spoken in the Western United States by the
south through the Tepiman corridor into Mexico. The homeland of the Numiclanguages has been placed in Southern California near Death Valley, and the homeland
proposed Uinta Basin Rail. The Ute language is a Proto-Numiclanguage within the Uto-Aztecan language family. The language is still widely spoken. In 1984