April 29, 2023. "Rômulo Estrela, Sophie Charlotte, Hugo Gloss, G1, ProfissãoRepórter e Jornal Hoje são os vencedores do Troféu AIB de Imprensa 2023". AIB
denouncing social injustice and violence. He presents the program Profissão:Repórter at TV Globo. Barcellos was awarded two times with Prêmio Jabuti on
schedule from ANATEL. The signal was cut off at 11:59 pm, during ProfissãoRepórter, and was replaced by a warning from MCTIC and ANATEL about the switch-off
Kenya The Hunt for Gaddafi's Billions VPRO Television Netherlands ProfissãoRepórter and Fantástico "COVID-19: The Daily Routine of a Healthcare Team Inside