The Bangladesh Armed Forces award medals and their associated ribbon bars in recognition of various levels of service, personal accomplishments and commemorative events while a regular serviceperson is a member of the Bangladesh Army, Bangladesh Navy and the Bangladesh Air Force. Together with military badges, such awards are a means to outwardly display the highlights of a serviceperson's career.[1][2][3][4][5]

Medals of the Bangladesh military

Military medals

Decorations in the order of precedence:

Wartime gallantry awards

Bir Sreshtho (BS) (Bravery Medal)
Bir Uttom (BU) (Valour Medal)
Bir Bikrom (BB) (Gallant Medal)
Bir Protik (BP) (Gallantry Medal)

Peacetime gallantry awards

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Bir Sorbottam Bir Sorbottam- (Bengali: বীর সর্বোত্তম; literally, "The Foremost Braves"), the highest gallantry award[6]
Bir Mrittunjoee Bir Mrittunjoee- (Bengali: বীর মৃত্যুঞ্জয়ী; literally, "The Immortal Braves"), the second highest gallantry award[6]
Bir Chiranjib Bir Chiranjib- (Bengali: বীর চিরঞ্জীব; literally, " The Incorruptible Braves"), the third highest gallantry award[6]
Bir Durjoy Bir Durjoy- (Bengali: বীর দুর্জয়; literally, "The Indomitable Braves"), the fourth highest gallantry award[6]

Liberation War medals

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Samar Padak Samar Padak (Bengali: সমর পদক) is intended to be awarded to members of the armed forces participating in the war of liberation against Pakistan.[6][7]
Joy Padak Joy Padak (Bengali: জয় পদক) is awarded for victory in the 1971 War of Independence. It is intended to be awarded to members of the armed forces participating in the war of liberation against Pakistan members of the armed forces participating in the war of liberation against Pakistan.[6][8]
Rono Taroka Rono Taroka (Bengali: রণ তারকা) was established on December 15, 1973. The medal is intended for awarding participants in the War of Independence. The Bangladesh War of Independence was an armed conflict between West Pakistan, East Pakistan (i.e., between Pakistan and Bangladesh, which were at that time two parts of the same country) and India, as a result of which East Pakistan became the independent country of Bangladesh.[6][9]
Mukti Taroka Mukti Taroka (Bengali: মুক্তি তারকা) was established on December 15, 1973. The medal is intended for awarding participants in the War of Independence. The Bangladesh War of Independence was an armed conflict between West Pakistan, East Pakistan (i.e., between Pakistan and Bangladesh, which were at that time two parts of the same country) and India, as a result of which East Pakistan became the independent country of Bangladesh.[6][10]
Songbidhan Padak Songbidhan Padak (Bengali: সংবিধান পদক) was established in honor of the adoption of the constitution on November 4, 1972. This is a medal of the constitution. Commemorating the proclamation of the Bangladeshi constitution[10][11]

Service and campaign medals

Army service medals

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Army Medal Thumb Army Medal (Bengali: সেনাবাহিনী পদক) is the highest Bangladesh Army peace time award given by the Government of People's Republic of Bangladesh. It is awarded to any member of Bangladesh Army for exemplary devotion/ self-sacrifice/ sincerity/ obedience/ bravery or perform significant dutifulness for the country or displays courgeous activity in special risky land operation.[12]
Extraordinary Service Medal Thumb Extraordinary Service Medal (Bengali: অসামান্য সেবা পদক) is the Bangladesh Army peace time award. This medal is awarded to any member of Bangladesh Army who displays admiring contribution and daring act of bravery to counter immediate situation at land Operations or exceptional/sincerity efficient management/ humanitarian assistance for the significant development of army or country.[12]
Distinguished Service Medal Thumb Distinguished Service Medal (Bengali: বিশিষ্ট সেবা পদক) is the Bangladesh Army peace time award. This medal is awarded to any member of Bangladesh Army who have performed an act of significant contribution/ controlling  critical situation in army or the country or who displayed a praiseworthy initiative for the development of nation including Bangladesh Army.[12]
Army Medal of Glory Thumb Army Medal of Glory (Bengali: সেনা গৌরব পদক) is the Bangladesh Army peace time award. This medal is awarded to any member of Bangladesh Army who have completed mentionable land service and displayed exemplary conduct/ efficiency/ boldness in establishing himself as an extraordinary person to inspire others.[12]
Army Medal of Excellence Thumb Army Medal of Excellence (Bengali: সেনা উৎকর্ষ পদক) is the Bangladesh Army peace time award. This medal is awarded to any member of Bangladesh Army who have performed an act of significant contribution in risky situation/ praiseworthy initiative in original research/ successful completion of any project work in home and abroad or commendable success which inspire others.[12]
Army Efficiency Medal Thumb Army Efficiency Medal (Bengali: সেনা পারদর্শিতা পদক) is the Bangladesh Army peace time award. This medal is awarded to any member of Bangladesh Army who has achieved special success in individual arena / significant initiative in publishing successful research work on professional subject, who have also achieved success in home and foreign training / army exercise, combined exercise or contribution in initial planning and execution exercise which encourage others.[12]
Thumb Navy Medal
Thumb Extraordinary Service Medal
Thumb Distinguished Service Medal
Thumb Navy Glorious Service Medal
Thumb Navy Medal of Excellence
Thumb Navy Efficiency Medal

Campaign medals

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Dabanal Padak Thumb Dabanal Padak (Bengali: দাবানল পদক) is intended to reward servicemen who took part in the campaign in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. The Chittagong Hill Tracts are a territory in southeastern Bangladesh on the border with India and Myanmar, the only mountainous region in the country.[6][13]
Uttoron Padak Thumb Uttoron Padak (Bengali: উত্তরণ পদক) is intended to reward servicemen who took part in the campaign in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.[14] The "Operation Dabanal" (Operation Wildfire) was re-established in the name of "Operation Uttoron"[15] (Operation Upliftment) by which the Bangladesh military[16] want to solve the CHT crisis militarily through imposing military maneuvers superseding the local civil administration.[6][17][18]
Nirapattya Padak Thumb Nirapattya Padak (Bengali: নিরাপত্তা পদক) is awarded for internal security of Bangladesh.[6][19][20]
Naf Padak Thumb Naf Padak (Bengali: নাফ পদক) is a military medal of Bangladesh. In 2000, Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) between Burmese Security Forces (Nasaka) and the Myanmar Army had a major clash known as the Naf War. Myanmar started building dams on the tributaries of the Naf River, which defines the border between Bangladesh and Myanmar. As a result, the course of the river changed and the land of Bangladesh came under the control of Myanmar. After several letters between BDR and Nasaka, they did not stop their work. According to former Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) Director General Major General (retd) Fazlur Rahman, 600 Myanmar soldiers were killed in the three-day conflict, although it has not been confirmed. There were no casualties among BDR members. To honor the bravery of BDR members, the participating BDR members were awarded Naf Padak.[21][22][circular reference]

Service medals

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Plaban 1988 Padak Thumb Plaban 1988 Padak (Bengali: প্লাবন ১৯৮৮ পদক) is intended for awarding servicemen who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the flood of 1988.[6][23]
Ghurnijhar 1991 Padak Thumb Ghurnijhar 1991 Padak (Bengali: ঘূর্ণিঝড় ১৯৯১ পদক) is intended for awarding servicemen who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of cyclone of 1991.[6][24]
Mahaplaban Padak 1996 Thumb Mahaplaban Padak 1996 (Bengali: মহাপ্লাবন পদক ১৯৯৬) is intended for awarding servicemen who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the flood of 1996.[6]
Mahaplaban Padak 1998 Thumb Mahaplaban Padak 1998 (Bengali: মহাপ্লাবন পদক ১৯৮৮) is intended for awarding servicemen who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the flood of 1998.[6]
Sangsadia Nirbachan 1991 Thumb Sangsadia Nirbachan 1991 (Bengali: সংসদীয় নির্বাচন ১৯৯১) is intended for awarding citizens of the country who took part in the organization of general parliamentary elections. Later, a medal with a similar design was established in 1996 and 2001. General Zia's widow, Khaleda Zia, led the Bangladesh Nationalist Party to victory in the 1991 general parliamentary election and became the first female prime minister in the country's history. However, the Awami League, led by Sheikh Hasina, one of the surviving daughters of Mujibur Rahman, came to power in the next elections in 1996, but lost again to the Bangladesh Nationalist Party in 2001.[6]
Sangsadia Nirbachan 1996 Thumb Sangsadia Nirbachan 1996 (Bengali: সংসদীয় নির্বাচন ১৯৯৬) is intended for awarding citizens of the country who took part in the organization of general parliamentary elections.[6]
Sangsadia Nirbachan 2001 Thumb Sangsadia Nirbachan 2001 (Bengali: সংসদীয় নির্বাচন ২০০১) is intended for awarding citizens of the country who took part in the organization of general parliamentary elections.[6][25]
Silver Jubilee Medal Thumb Silver Jubilee Medal (Bengali: রজত জয়ন্তী পদক) was established in 1996 in honor of the 25th anniversary of the proclamation of independence.[6]
Golden Jubilee Medal Thumb Golden Jubilee Medal (Bengali: সুবর্ণ জয়ন্তী পদক) was established in 1998 in honor of the 50th anniversary of the creation of the East Bengal Regiment. At the moment, the East Bengal Regiment consists of 50 battalions and plays a key role in ensuring the sovereignty of the independent state of Bangladesh.[6]
Bi-Centennial Padak Thumb Bi-Centennial Padak (Bengali: দ্বিশত বর্ষপূর্তি পদক) was established in 1995 in honor of the 200th anniversary of the creation of the Bangladesh Rifles.[26]

Long service awards

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Jesthata Padak III Thumb Jesthata Padak III (Bengali: জ্যেষ্ঠতা পদক ৩) is intended for awarding members of the armed forces for 27 years or more of impeccable service. JP-3 conferrable on completion of 27 yrs unblemished service career[6][27]
Jesthata Padak II Thumb Jesthata Padak II (Bengali: জ্যেষ্ঠতা পদক ২) is intended for awarding members of the armed forces for 20 years or more of impeccable service. JP-2 conferrable on completion of 20 yrs unblemished service career[6][28]
Jesthata Padak I Thumb Jesthata Padak I (Bengali: জ্যেষ্ঠতা পদক ১) is intended for awarding members of the armed forces for 10 years or more of impeccable service. JP-1 conferrable on completion of 10 yrs unblemished service career[6][29]

Border guard medals

The border guard medals are intended for awarding the officers of Border Guard Bangladesh.[30][31][32]

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President Border Guard Padak (Bravery)
President Border Guard Padak (Service)
Border Guard Bangladesh Padak (Bravery)
Border Guard Bangladesh Padak (Service)

Police medals

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Police Medal (Bravery) Thumb Police Medal (Bravery) Bengali: {বাংলাদেশ পুলিশ পদক (সাহসিকতা)} is intended for the awarding the officers of Bangladesh Police and Rapid Action Battalion.[33][34][35] Police medals are awarded every year in the annual Police Week Parade. They are awarded both for bravery and service.[36][37][38]

United Nations Service medals

Thumb United Nations Medal
Thumb United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO)
Thumb United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL)
Thumb United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)
Thumb United Nations–African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID)
Thumb United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO)
Thumb United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA)
Thumb United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA)
Thumb Service in the United Nations Headquarters (UNHQ)
Thumb United Nations Mission in Haiti (UNMIH)
Thumb United Nations Iraq–Kuwait Observation Mission (UNIKOM)
Thumb United Nations Iran–Iraq Military Observer Group (UNIIMOG)
Thumb United Nations Transition Assistance Group (UNTAG)
Thumb United Nations Operation in Somalia II (UNOSOM II)
Thumb United Nations Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS)
Thumb United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS)
Thumb United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad (MINURCAT)
Thumb United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL)
Thumb United Nations Mission of Observers in Prevlaka (UNMOP)
Thumb United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR)
Thumb United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG)
Thumb United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC)
Thumb United Nations Mission in East Timor (UNAMET)
Thumb United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR)
Thumb United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE)
Thumb United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan (UNMOT)
Thumb United Nations Guards Contingent in Iraq (UNGCI)

Order of Military Merit

Thumb Order of Military Merit

Commendation Padak

Three CNS Commendation Padak of Bangladesh Navy

The Commendation Padak is awarded to all members of the Bangladesh Army, Bangladesh Navy and Bangladesh Air Force, who have received the commendation letter.

Blood Donor Medal

Bangladesh Navy Blood Donor Medal

The Blood Donor Medal is awarded to all persons of the Bangladesh Army, Bangladesh Navy and Bangladesh Air Force who have donated blood three times.

See also


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