Vote-ratio,[1]:Sub.9.6 weight-ratio,[2] or population-ratio monotonicity[3]:Sec.4 is a property of some apportionment methods. It says that if the entitlement for grows at a faster rate than (i.e. grows proportionally more than ), should not lose a seat to .[1]:Sub.9.6 More formally, if the ratio of votes or populations increases, then should not lose a seat while gains a seat. Apportionments violating this rule are called population paradoxes.

A particularly severe variant, where voting for a party causes it to lose seats, is called a no-show paradox. The largest remainders method exhibits both population and no-show paradoxes.[4]:Sub.9.14

Population-pair monotonicity

Pairwise monotonicity says that if the ratio between the entitlements of two states increases, then state should not gain seats at the expense of state . In other words, a shrinking state should not "steal" a seat from a growing state.

Some earlier apportionment rules, such as Hamilton's method, do not satisfy VRM, and thus exhibit the population paradox. For example, after the 1900 census, Virginia lost a seat to Maine, even though Virginia's population was growing more rapidly.[5]:231–232

Strong monotonicity

A stronger variant of population monotonicity, called strong monotonicity requires that, if a state's entitlement (share of the population) increases, then its apportionment should not decrease, regardless of what happens to any other state's entitlement. This variant is extremely strong, however: whenever there are at least 3 states, and the house size is not exactly equal to the number of states, no apportionment method is strongly monotone for a fixed house size.[6]:Thm.4.1 Strong monotonicity failures in divisor methods happen when one state's entitlement increases, causing it to "steal" a seat from another state whose entitlement is unchanged.

However, it is worth noting that the traditional form of the divisor method, which involves using a fixed divisor and allowing the house size to vary, satisfies strong monotonicity in this sense.

Relation to other properties

Balinski and Young proved that an apportionment method is VRM if-and-only-if it is a divisor method.[7]:Thm.4.3

Palomares, Pukelsheim and Ramirez proved that very apportionment rule that is anonymous, balanced, concordant, homogenous, and coherent is vote-ratio monotone.[citation needed]

Vote-ratio monotonicity implies that, if population moves from state to state while the populations of other states do not change, then both and must hold.[8]:Sub.9.9

See also


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