recommended its climate to heal his lung disease. On his way there, he met PeterMartinMetzler [de] (1824–1907) and his wife Dorothea, née Bauer (1831–1870), who
colonists willing to remigrate to Maine. In 1867 and 1868, the German PeterMartinMetzler [de], then leading a Protestant mission in Jaffa for the Swiss St
George Adams, returning to the US in 1869. On 5 March 1869 also PeterMartinMetzler, a missionary of St. Chrischona and personal acquaintance of Hoffmann
relations of the early Protestants of Jaffa were without major tensions. PeterMartinMetzler [de] had sold other real estate and his hospital, which he had built
p. 462. ISBN 0521814561. Cf. Ejal Jakob Eisler (איל יעקב איזלר), PeterMartinMetzler (1824-1907): Ein christlicher Missionar im Heiligen Land [פטר מרטין