Child labour in Pakistan is the employment of children to work in Pakistan, which causes them mental, physical, moral and social harm. Child labour takes
Union Federation PakistanLabourFederation All PakistanFederation of Labour All PakistanFederation of Trade Unions All PakistanFederation of United Trade
The All PakistanFederation of Labour (APFOL) is a national trade union centre in Pakistan. It was founded in 1951 by Rahmatullah Chaudhary. In 2004, APFOL
The National LabourFederation (NLF) is national trade union centre in Pakistan. The trade union is the labour wing of the Jamaat-e-Islami party and organises
National LabourFederation may be: National Labor Federation in Eretz-Israel National LabourFederationPakistan National LabourFederation (UK), a defunct