Ossi and Wessi (German pronunciation: [ˈɔsiː] – "easterner"; German pronunciation: [ˈvɛsiː] – "westerner") are the informal names that people in Germany
were born in the area of the former German Democratic Republic. The term Wessi, derived from the German word Westen which means west, is used in Germany
head" ("Mauer im Kopf"). Ossis (Easties) are stereotyped as racist, poor and largely influenced by Russian culture, while Wessis (Westies) are usually considered
head" (Mauer im Kopf). Ossis (Easterners) are stereotyped as racist, poor, and largely influenced by Russian culture, while Wessis (Westerners) are usually
Gespräche". with Michael Jürgs: Typisch Ossi, typisch Wessi. Eine längst fällige Abrechnung unter Brüdern und Schwestern. Bertelsmann, München 2005, ISBN 3-570-00862-2