scholars are Jean Grondin (b. 1955) and Maurizio Ferraris (b. 1956). MauricioBeuchot coined the term and discipline of analogic hermeneutics, which is a
a new order of rationality. Circle of hermeneutics. Dialogues with MauricioBeuchot. October 2000. Ed. Plaza y Valdés /UIC, ISBN 968-856-815-5 95. "Justice
Caro (Bentornata Realtà, 2012), and continental philosophers, such as MauricioBeuchot (Manifesto del realismo analogico, 2013), and Markus Gabriel (Fields
nuevo realismo analógico (Buenos Aires, Circulo Herméneutico 2013) by MauricioBeuchot (México-UNAM) and José Luis Jerez (Argentina-UNCo). History: In the