2017 dark fantasy horror film written and directed by Juliana Rojas and MarcoDutra, starring Isabél Zuaa, Marjorie Estiano, Miguel Lobo and Cida Moreira
Trabalhar Cansa) is 2011 Brazilian drama film directed by Juliana Rojas and MarcoDutra. It premiered in the Un Certain Regard section at the 2011 Cannes Film
friends with MarcoDutra and realized both had shared interests such as scary movies, animation, musicals. She directed her first film with Dutra in 2004,
Was Alive) is a 2014 Brazilian horror drama thriller film directed by MarcoDutra, based on the novel A Arte de Produzir Efeito Sem Causa by Lourenço Mutarelli
mortos) is a 2020 Brazilian drama film directed by Caetano Gotardo and MarcoDutra. Starring Mawusi Tulani, Clarissa Kiste, Thaia Perez,Thomás Aquino and