1814 ManifiestodelosPersas, the following ones to be mentioned having been the 1822 Manifiesto del Barón de Eroles and the 1826 Manifiestodelos Realistas
libertades (el 'ManifiestodelosPersas' y sus recuperaciones tradicionalistas)". Revista de Historiografía (20). Universidad Carlos III de Madrid: 139–156
common front against the liberal reforms, and which resulted in the ManifiestodelosPersas, encouraging Fernando VII to restore absolutism. Signed by sixty-nine
Constitution. Sixty-nine deputies of the Cortes signed the so-called ManifiestodelosPersas ("Manifesto of the Persians") encouraging him to restore absolutism
Diccionario de historia de España. Ediciones Akal. pp. 209–. ISBN 978-84-7090-366-3. Wilhelmsen, Alexandra (4 April 1979). "El "Manifiestodelospersas"una alternativa