German dramatic film directed by Kurt Maetzig. Based on the novel by ManfredBieler [ar; de; eo; eu; it; sh], it was filmed in 1965. Nineteen-year-old Maria
Heidenreich and Irene Rodrian [de] On Southern Slopes (1980) – screenplay by ManfredBieler [de], based on a novella by Eduard von Keyserling The Cause of the Crime
demanding literature also appeared from Stefan Heym, Walter Kempowski, ManfredBieler and Ingeborg Drewitz. Today at Goldmann Publishing, a wide range of
series, 5 episodes) Die Person (1970, TV film) — based on a story by ManfredBieler [de] Der Kommissar: Besuch bei Alberti (1971, TV series episode) Der